The year is 2032 AD. Ten years ago, a massive deposit of an unique metal was found deep within the sands of Sahara. Stumbled over by chance, this ore, quickly named Adamantium, was undetectable by any means then known to humanity. Adamantium quickly became known as a miracle metal, allowing countless breakthroughs in every scientific field. Tensions rose over the ownership of the deposits, and in the end, an unique solution was proposed and passed - to create an independent city-state which would regulate adamantium's extraction and exports. That city was called Haven. Haven was the most advanced city on Earth. It was the best city for the best. Every top individual or corporation moved there, and it became the unofficial capital of the city. To be allowed to live within Haven would be a grand achievement for any individual. In a few short years, humanity entered the so called Age of Adamantium. Four months ago, apocalypse began. Humanity did not know where they came from, but they quickly saw how hopelessly outmatched they were. The alien invaders did not come with starships, but a mere squad of twelve nearly annihilated all human life on earth. Humans were saved by what could best be called... superheroes. Appearing out of nowhere, those champions of... unknown affiliation... could match and eventually overpower the aliens. After three months, the alien invaders lay defeated. Saying their goodbyes, the heroes stepped through recently discovered portal deep within the adamantite deposits, through which the aliens came. Named the Apocalypse Gate, the heroes destroyed it as they left Earth to pursue vengeance, abandoning the remnants of humanity to fend for themselves. Soon after Apocalypse Gate's destruction, people began to... awaken, become just a little bit stronger, faster and smarter, as well as discovering faint magical abilities, much akin to those some of the heroes used, just on a far grander scale. Out of 8 billion souls, no more than 250 million remain. And those who remained, "The Abandoned" all had different ideas how the world should be rebuilt, if at all. The world was now a clean slate, for the ambitious to rebuild.