[color=f7941d][b]Skall- The Skinwalker[/b][/color] Skall gave a purposely lazy glance with one eye from beneath his hat. With a bit of a grunt, he leaned forward slightly and took a small flask of his own personal sake from the small of his back. From beneath the tattered dust cloth his hand rose, holding the incendiary liquid out to the drunkard. Before the man would be given the container of alcohol, however, Skall would have an answer. [color=f7941d]"Whatchu mean 'they', pal?"[/color] The words were slurred heavily and a light huff of a sigh was added to the end. The potential for some kind of ambush was wholly possible, but it made Skall's stomach churn slightly at the thought of them walking into something far worse than a few shinobi with a grudge.