Screen Name: NiteMare Shape Character you wish to play: Luke Skywalker Race (such as Human, Wookie, Transdoshan, Hutt, Twi'lek, Rodian, Bothan, droid, Mon Calimari, etc): Human Faction (does your character belong to a group, such as the New Republic, The Imperial Remnant, the Bounty Hunter's Guild, a specific crime syndicate, etc): New Republic and New Jedi Order Background (list the history of your character here. Created Characters Must Be Thorough!): Luke is the last of the Jedi. The son of Anakin Skywalker, Luke and his twin sister Leia were hidden from Anakin after their birth because of Anakin's fall to the Dark Side. A series of events brought Luke, then a young man, into the Rebellion against the Galactic Empire. Under the guidance of Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin's former master, Luke was instrumental in fighting the Empire and destroying their first Death Star. Some time later, Luke learned that Darth Vader, the Sith Lord responsible for hunting down the Jedi and ruling at the Emperor's side, was actually his father. During the attack on the second Death Star, Luke, now a Jedi Knight, and knowing there was still good in his father, battled Vader and the Emperor. As the Emperor tried to kill Luke, his father found redemption by sacrificing himself to save his son. Through Luke's belief in his father, he brought Anakin back from the Dark Side, allowing him to fulfill the prophecy and bring balance to the force. Character Class (choose one): Jedi Master, co-founder/leader of Rogue Squadron with Wedge Antilles. Items: Like all Jedi, Luke carries the lightsaber he built as part of his training. He also has a personal X-Wing fighter, gifted to him by the New Republic. His fighter has standard equipment including less 'civilized' weapons like a blaster. He also has constant companions in his faithful droids C-3PO and R2-D2. Character Personality (Created Characters Must Be Thorough! Give a solid description on how your character acts, their morals, etc): Luke is a true Jedi Master. Calm and at peace, but ready to fight when the need arises and no other course is available. Luke constantly looks for the good in people, and has hope in the New Republic's ability to restore peace to the galaxy. Yet Luke also has lingering doubts about his ability to rebuild the New Jedi Order. Doubts he will need to overcome to bring new Jedi into the fold, and address what he senses is the growing presence of the Dark Side. Character Alignment (Created Characters Must Be Thorough! Choose one): Luke is definitely good. Sample Post (write a sample post that is at least 4 paragraphs long and containing at least 3 lines of dialogue): Luke Skywalker sat in the quiet room that he had taken as his quarters within the temple. In the middle of the floor he sat, his legs crossed over each other, his eyes closed, as he focused on his breathing, he felt the Force flow through him. Through the Force, he was able to sense the wide variety of life forms skittering in and around the temple as well as in the surrounding forest. As he meditated, a smile started to form on his lips as he felt a familiar presence enter the room. "Master," he said simply, greeting his old friend. "Mmm....fear I still sense in you. Doubt too." His smile broadens as he hears the familiar voice of his long dead master. "But I think you'll admit I have made much progress, Master Yoda." His small head bobbed up and down in an almost dismissive agreement, just as it did in life when he trained the fledgling Jedi on Degobah. " Much improvement I have seen. Jedi Master now you are." Then his voice lowered. "But still doubt I sense..." The smile smile dropped from Luke's face as the doubts he had internalized were given a voice. "All I see before me is a...monumental task. I have to rebuild the Jedi order, by myself. And while I know I'm up to it. I just don't know if I can do it alone." "Fear you will fail, do you? Afraid another Vader you may create." Luke's mind began to drift to his father and all of the atrocities that he had committed after falling to the dark side. He forced the thoughts from his mind, "It is a fear I will overcome." Yoda nodded, his luminous form casting a strange glow in the otherwise dark room. "Much to overcome, I foresee. Many trials ahead for you." "I have sensed it too, Master." Luke said, nodding in agreement. "Yes. Darkness the future brings. But light within you exists," he says, pointing his cane at me. "And remember this, you will. are not." When he finished speaking, the ancient Jedi planted his cane in front of him, slowly vanishing into the ether from which he came. Luke sat their for a moment, examining the empty space in which his master had occupied just moments earlier. He felt a sudden calmness wash over him as clarity began to set in. [i]He's right. I'm not alone.[/i] Do you know how to post pictures on the RPG Boards?: [IMG][/IMG]