[h3] Observatory [/h3] Christopher had heard some stirring behind him but decided to pay no attention since he was paying complete attention to the bookcase that he had been inspecting. He couldn't believe what kind of preparation and maintenance would have to be done to keep this wood looking this nice. Especially in a environment that was as harsh as this, having being surrounded by all this strong salt air would case some sort of slightly rapid deterioration if not treated properly. However this was not the case for this bookcase. It was such a shame that such a beautiful bookcase was housing such disgraceful looking books, something this beautiful should have more than one new book in it. It should contain nothing but new books to complement it. [quote=Stairdweller] so Zosime decided to speak in Aramaic when she demanded, "Who are you? Where am I? Why have you brought me here?"[/quote] [quote=Antarctic Terminte]"Et dimitte nobis debita n-nostra sicut et nos dimisimus debitoribus nost-t-tris," "Your friend is named Innocent, of the Sidwells. I believe I am dead, but I do not know." [/quote] It wasn't until he heard conversing behind him that he decided to give his attention to the other occupants of the room since he was likely going to have a better conversation with two conscious humans as opposed to four unconscious. He also could tell by listening to what he could understand through broken dialect and tough to understand accents that they were in the same predicament that he was, stuck at this unknown location with no clue of how they got here. Christopher had turned around to observe the two conscious people and it was the short Egyptian female and bearded male wearing what looked like an apiarist outfit while two others still occupied their space on the bark floor. Just before he decided to speak the young male with headphones awoke and looked as shocked and confused, especially after looking down at his phone. He felt a slight bit better knowing that they were all in the same boat together. The only one who was still out was the young female with orange hair. "Hello my name is Christopher, unfortunately I don't have any more answers than any of you. I assume alike you all I have awoken on the same bark floor unfamiliar with any memory after going to sleep. I assure you I would have loved to wake up in my own bed"