[Center][img]http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/148/2/5/nudrift_racing_by_feerikart-d51h967.jpg[/img][/Center] [color=orange][h2][center][b]Escape Velocity[/b][/center][/h2][/color] [center][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Clp8dUWi6Mo]It is the year 3022[/url]. Long ago the human race had discovered ancient hypergate technology connecting them with galactic civilization. Historians mark this as the defining moment of human history. As soon as we found out that we were not alone among the stars we did our part to make peace and connections, to foster relationships and technology. The resources and riches from this exchange ushered the human race into a new golden age of prosperity. Humanity was taught by our more advanced alien compatriots the secretes of self teaching AI, advance cyber technology and manipulative physics. For the first time humans were able to turn off gravity with a whim and accelerate to speeds that seemed ludicrous. Scientists and military men pondered these new almost god-like technologies ramifications upon the path of humanity. While those with the need for speed, only wondered about how fast this technology could make their cars. So it was no surprise that humanity took immediately to the the Grand Wave. The GW was the biggest and grandest road race in the galaxy, only held every ten years the GW was the pinnacle of racing. Naturally everybody wants to take part in the Grand Wave and win the title of Wave Emperor. Yet only the greatest racers in the galaxy are able to qualify for the GW winning one of several dozen Little Wave races that are held in the ten year span between each Grand Wave. To be able to even qualify for the Grand Wave is a testament to the driver and his or her ability behind the wheel. To win marks them as one of the greatest of their generation and cements their place in the history of intergalactic racing. But becoming Wave Emperor means more than just your place in history. To win the Grand Wave unlocks a whole knew world to the winner. Hundreds of sponsorship and corporate deals, enough to allow your entire family to retire for a generation. Access to the newest and best technology and fastest cars. Status and wealth beyond imagine as everyday becomes a mixture of massive parties and becoming one of the most famous people in the galaxy overnight. For most it would mean freedom, it would allow anyone from the son of a cooperate tycoon to a beggar on the street to forge their own life and destiny. The freedom that came with title meant more than anything else could to most. It allowed the winner to live their life however they wanted. You are one such racer having qualified for the Grand Wave you are a minor celebrity in your own right. The year is a very special one for the Grand Wave taking place on its 1000 year anniversary the spectacles are expected to be fabulous, the drama intense, the violence awesome and the explosions bigger. As the Racing Council had just announced the location of the Grand Wave. Taking place on a deathworld called Sefer scheduled for demolition to make way for a hyperspace gate. The twist being the demolition is supposed to start the day of the race. Have Fun![/center] [hr] [color=orange][center][h2][b]OCC Information[/b][/h2][/center][/color] Hello Everyone! Let me welcome you to Escape Velocity! This is a reboot of an old guild RP I created. This roleplay is simply about a group of racers taking part in the greatest intergalactic road race of its kind. Half the time will be spent doing action packed cool things in your own created vehicle and the other half will be focused heavily upon character development especially in the time leading up to the big race. To imagine a frame of reference for the tone of this universe I shall throw some words together. Like pod racing on LSD or Mario Kart on Cocaine. The goal is balls to wall outrageous in similar vain to such works as Speed racer and the wonderful REDLINE. So no holds barred pure octane awesomeness and doing insane things for the rule of cool is not only expected but should be the norm. Explosions are to be expected, lots of explosions. [hr] [color=orange][h3][b]Technology of the Year 3022:[/b][/h3][/color] [Hider=Class V Engines] [img]http://th01.deviantart.net/fs71/200H/f/2013/209/f/a/prototype_space_engine_by_john2pg-d6fjt8l.png[/img] Class V Engines are found in two types of vehicles, military fast response craft and racing machines. Harnessing the power inside of them to be able to go for zero to hypersonic in the blink of an eye. These devices are extremely dangerous and the out most care most be used in operating them as they are prone to overheating and explosions. At the same time the energy output created by the engines allows for seemingly magic abilities most famously being a machines ability to turn off gravity around it for a few seconds in time, allowing for some truly high flying stuns.[/hider] [Hider=Racing Machines] [img]http://www.tuvie.com/wp-content/uploads/mazda-kaan-electric-car1.jpg[/img] As fast as they are mean the racing vehicles of tomorrow come in a variety of shapes, colors and purposes. Part high speed death trap and part battle wagon it is not uncommon to see Grand Wave vehicles equipped with rocket launchers, flame throwers, machine guns, spear tossers and a variety of other weaponry. All in the name of good fun and carnage of course. All vehicles are equipped with ICARUS systems which allow them to hover slightly above the ground when needed to traverse dangerous terrain such as water and lava. (Like in the new Mario kart) [/hider] [Hider=Weapons Technology] Weapon technology of the future is generally broken into the grand triad. [b]Ballistic Weaponry[/b] Guns and bullets what's not to love? Effective, loud and angry sometimes a mass driver propelled bullet is all that is needed to make the day worse for the other guy. Ballistic weaponry is one of the more commonly found types of arrmants found attached to a vehicle. [b]Laser Weaponry[/b] Lasers are the bullets more fancy and privileged cousin. Trading in shell casing for energy cells, these types of armaments trade in pure stopping power for precision and deadly piercing ability. They generally weigh less then their ballistic counterparts but require more energy to keep running. [b] Heavy Plasma [/b] Plasma armaments are usually reserved for military use in long range artillery and heavy cannons. Though some ambitious and crazy individuals have been bringing them to the racing circuit. Though notoriously hard to aim and very cumbersome most can destroy military defense in one to two hits, let alone the common racing vehicle. [/hider] [hr] [h3][color=orange] [b]Building A Better Race Car:[/b] [/color] [/h3] Your character's machine is very much a part of them, it is an extension of the self. As a result some could argue that it is actually more important than your actual driver. And so I'm not going to restrict you with a certain rubric or point system you have to follow. I want your imagination to run wild and make the most awesome thing you can imagine. Of course it would be nice if you don't make it too overpowered. [hr] [color=orange][h3][b]Da Rules:[/b][/h3][/color] [list] [*] I'm expecting at least a couple well written paragraphs. Nothing major and quality is always better then quantity. But that being said if your post is always three sentences long we will have a problem. [*] Follow the Guild Rules [*] This story has everything to do with the rule cool and so logic and common sense has no place here. [*] Anything and everything is a viable weapon up to and including small children. [*] We are doing this for fun, not fun bragging rights so don't be OP about it. [*] There will be mature themes and elements so be okay with that [*] If it would be cool in an action movie, you can do it here. [/list] [hr] [color=orange][h3][b]Application Info[/b][/h3][/color] [hider=CS] [b]Appearance: Name: Age: Gender: Personality: History: Personal Equipment: Raison D'ĂȘtre:(Why do they want to win the Grand Wave)[/b][/hider] [Hider=Vehicle Sheets] [b]Appearance: An Image or description would work. Though a combination of both would be best. Model Type: What is the name of the box? For example R18 e-tron quattro Name: What does your character call it? Its nickname Designation: (From Ultralight to Heavy) Description: Lots of fancy tech jargon regarding its strengths, weaknesses, abilities, etc Equipment: Weapons, armor and any other special goodies it may have.[/b][/hider] [hr] So who wants in?