Stirring slightly Inui's eyes slide open. Something has changed. A hollow feeling gnawing at his insides Forces his eyes open wider, sitting up slowly, his head rotating this way and that. His sleep addled brain clears quickly and like a cat shocked awake by a sudden noise he is soon tense and alert, his claws and canines growing. His head continues to rotate, unsure of just what woke him up. Rue stirs moments later, the small waves of negative coming off of the Nightmare Minion making him ache slightly. Without even opening his eyes he reaches across Enasi and pats Inui on the hand and makes a shushing noise. “It's okay Inui, just calm down, I'm sure it was a ba-” His voice stalls as he feels the claws extended deep into the comforter. The little fairy's eyes snap up and his sits up quickly, his brows jumping high as he sees how tense and alert his friend is. “What's wrong Inui?” he whispers softly, his own head beginning to rotate about, trying to find the source of his disquiet. Inui simply shakes his head, not knowing what's wrong, but knowing it's bad. Rasha stays sleeping, quite used to people talking around him while he sleeps as he often sleeps in public, stretched out over a fence or a overhang. ~*~*~*~*~ Slipping quickly back into the infirmary Fuan sets to work, her normal nervous state easily covering up her excitement over what she's just done. She notes the absence of her boss but thinks nothing of it. After all, their lord is hurt. The fact that he leaves Lord Enasi's side in his current state at all is further proof that the foul creature's influence has tainted even the best of them. Even those she's always looked up to and aspired to be. Not only to corrupt her role model, but to actually convince their beloved leader to imprison their own over and act that would be rejoiced not two weeks ago. No, Crios out taking care of their leader is good, it makes her smile as she goes about her rounds. Each wound she treats a small victory, and every patient she discharges another life that can return to the wonderful routine of life in the Dream Realm. ~*~*~*~*~ Feeling his stomach tighten, and mentally cursing Seishu for all the trouble he causes, Harper quickly comes up with a search pattern for the four of them, his large ears picking up the sound of Starla and Finn approaching. [i]'This may not be that bad. He may have just decided to do his best to ditch Crios and is hiding really, really well. . . .I have no idea [b]how[/b] he would hide that very distinctive energy in this realm, but I know it's possible'[/i] He lets out a sigh as the siblings come to a skidding halt next to the doctor and himself. “Seishu is either in really good hiding, or something bad has happened. We need to search, and quickly. The Powers only know how long it will be until Lord Enasi awakens and wants to see Night again, and I want to be able to at least tell him [b]why[/b] he can't if he really is missing.” Finn and Starla exchange worried glances before turning back to their commanding officer and nodding, serious expressions on their faces. Crios begin trying to think of all the places Seishu may have gone but after a moment he snaps out of his thoughts as Harper explains his search pattern. Because he and the rodent are the fastest, they have the greater portion of the search grid, Finn and Starla getting the less open and more complex areas that need to be searched closely. As soon as everyone knows where they are going the group breaks, Harper gone in an instant, the siblings sapping hands before heading off in different directions, and, after a few calming breaths, Crios darting off in a blaze of blue fire, slim trail of blue flame left in his wake, going out quickly on the stone. ~*~*~*~*~ With a soft sigh Kaila very carefully steps away from his sleeping brother, barely visible beneath the mountain of children piled on top of him. It too the second in command half a day to figure out why the little ones are now so attached to the white clad man. [i]'After what Master Seishu did a touch of him lingers on my brother's soul, and the little ones, so sensitive to it, can feel it inside of him'[/i] He smiles one of his rare smiles at the sleeping figure before carefully sneaking off to get a little actual work done. It's been less than a day since the group from the Dream Realm left, Master Seishu among them, leaving so suddenly and abruptly that the children cried long and hard over not being able to see him again before he left. It had taken a lot of work to calm them down, but Jentou had been good for them and with his help they seemed almost back to normal by the time they piled up for sleep. The smile slips from his lips as he looks away from the sleep pile, the multitudes of Nightmares and Minions milling about in need of direction and strength. Kaila's eyes flash and as soon as he's far enough away from Jentou he begins moving through the camp at a very brisk pace, being strong, giving direction, lending aid, and keeping order. He needs to be what Master Seishu would be were he here, though he knows he can not actually replace their Master, he will do his best to fill the position while their leader is away.