Once again, Marcus never ceased to amaze him. He was in the process of talking and introducing himself to Ryan when Marcus started up his antics. "Think Fast," his friend yelled, as Tony thought 'this is starting to get old.' He wasn't even going to worry about what was coming towards him, his spell would deflect most projectiles. That is, until he saw what or whom was being thrown at him. It was the girl Marcus had fought and lost to, Liz was it? Tony quickly cancelled his spell and activated a momentary strength buff, his ring glowed once again. Hart caught Liz in the most careful way possible. "Marcus what the hell man? You could just, you know, say my name if you want to tell me something." Tony completely ignored the fact that he was having a conversations with a girl he didn't know in his arms. Tony looked over at the teachers, they had to be chill if they let them do this kind of stuff.