Rena briefly glared at Noboyuki, "Don't press your luck..." No matter, it did make sense for him to lead on being the one with the sword and whatnot. The small party reached the start of the wilderness stretching beyond the hamlet's borders. Every so often Rena stopped them in order to check their position, she didn't say so but figuring out the land in person is harder than simply reading maps, more so during the dead of night. Fortunately Rena was able to reliably guide the both of them through the dark trees, at least she hoped as much. During one of their stops Rena was uncommonly quiet, she almost looked worried if Noboyuki were able to clearly see her in the darkness. After some time she spoke up. "So, Noboyuki. Have you noticed how these, well monsters we face have been getting stronger? I'm getting worried, that we, or uh honestly more like you wouldn't be able to keep up for much longer. Your powers haven't emerged yet right? I... have to admit, I'm getting worried."