"NOOOOOOOOO MY WORK, MY PROGRESS, MY EXPERIMENT ITS ALL RUINED!" Screamed Justeaze as the water shorted out her current project while at the same time drenching her leaving her clothes to cling tightly to her body. "THIS WILL NOT GO UNPUNISHED YOU HERE ME! I WILL FIND OUT WHO YOU ARE AND MAKE YOU MY EXPERIMENT!!" She continued yelling as she stood up and grabbing her hat and putting it on her head this was war her work was ruined she did not have the time to make it water proof yet dang it that was years of research ruined. Storming out of the room she looked at the people around her there could be multiple people who did this but right now she best report than get her revenge and oh will it be sweet she thought as she left the room to check what the faculty wanted and to stop the dang alarm. "Thankfully the data was saved onto a back up but the time to remake those parts is going to take awhile not to the mention the cost to get the items" Justeaze mumbled to herself as she stormed down the hallways while taking off her jacket leaving her in a now see through white shirt.