[Hider=Minerva Fairchild] Name:Minerva Fairchild Race: Human Age: 25 Gender: Female Magic: "Wrath of Ancient Kings" - What is striking about Minerva the most is her magic. Based on bodily amplification and using two swords, the magic that courses through her veins enables a boon of massively increased speed and perception, making her movements and speed almost imperceivable to the human eye. Upon use, her eyes are filled with white arcing magic, that traces jagged lines down her cheeks. It is often said by her adversaries that they saw her draw a blade, and then they saw nothing else. She holds some elemental prowess like her cousin, Leonora, but she always just seems a hair short in comparison to overall potency of such an art. Magic Rank: A Appearance: Normally of rather strict Noble descent, Minerva is a slight outlier from her family's genetic pool. Her father, having left their ranks in his younger years, ended up pairing off with an common woman during his exile. Which naturally lead to the birth of Minerva, who still retained the Fairchild's tall, slender, and absolutely awestriking complexion and figure, yet instead of varying shades of golden locks, she was born with Strawberry Blonde hair. Though her family may wish to perceive her in far more regal clothing, she often chooses to simply wear whatever she wishes. Usually consisting of a blouse, and a loose fitting skirt of some sort. Of which sheathed at her back are her two Cavalry Sabers, one was her father's, the other gifted to her by Leonora Fairchild. Personality: Fierce, stubborn, and absolute in her own morals, Minerva Fairchild first started off as a simple ruffian, but upon being found by her family; she quickly adopted and adapted to the lifestyle of her kindred Magi. The daughter of the Patriarch's outcast brother, she can still be just a little rough around the edges when it comes to the civility and formality of nobility, but she does what she can, however she can. Bio:For a Fairchild, Minerva's history is much left in darkness and delusion. Most historians regard her part in the family as simply the Black Sheep's bastard child. Yet some to tend to see things differently. As a youth, she had no idea of her magical capability until the age of sixteen; when she was discovered by Fairchild scouts looking for any possible lost family members after the Second Great War. Knowing she was one of their line, yet not knowing precisely who her Father was, she was welcomed into the family with tentatively open arms. That was until she gave Leonora, the eventual matriarch of the Fairchild Family, a picture of her father. What were once open arms were swiftly and cruelly closed. They had discovered something horrific, William Fairchild, the very abomination who had started the Second Great War, had managed to gain himself a daughter. Judgement against her came quick and brutal. However, there was one who still stood to give the girl some kind of chance. Even in spite of the fact that the first saber she wielded was none other than her father's former blade. It was Leonora, who saw some potential in Minerva. With Leonora's careful guidance and teachings, she surprised everyone within the ranks of the Fairchild nobility when her Father resurfaced, Minerva didn't join his side as he thought she would. Rather than go with him and start a new war, she rose up and struck him down. Believing him consumed by his madness, the young woman who eventually became known as one of the most brutal magi swordswomen of the age killed her own father without the least hesitation at the tender age of eighteen. To preserve her family line. To preserve peace. And to save countless lives. Team Members: None. Strengths: 1. Swordplay 2. Politics 3. Bodily Enhancing Magic Weaknesses 1. Elemental Magics (Fire/Water/Lightning/etc.) 2. Familial Tribulations 3. Introversion Motivation: She wishes to stabilize a chaotic world. Greatest Love: None. Additional Bits: Minerva is quite the excellent cook, though she'd never confess such a skill. Part of the Fairchild Family's upper echelon of nobility, she has quite a fortune. Having inherited her exiled father's wealth, she tends to avoid the use of it or showing that she has money in the first place; considering it quite a hindrance. Inventory: A pair of intricate, priceless, and absolutely beautifully crafted Cavalry Sabers. Both of which are sheathed upon her back waist. Made by the legendary Fairchild family weaponsmiths, most collectors would dream of obtaining them. One of them is her father's, so aptly named Durendal. And the other is Caladbolg, her own personal weapon gifted to her upon passage of her trial. [/Hider]