[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xan4X1XqBxY]Music[/url] [h1]UNISON RAID- Hebisaki Shiruna[/h1] [img]https://scontent-lhr.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/10928986_998515673501952_256088139098615395_n.jpg?oh=ab881f9e9c017c401cc9c5b78b263346&oe=557BCC52[/img] Ria couldn't count on it, as to why she constantly strips, that remains a mystery; after being glomped by Kaori, Ria puts her clothes back on. [b]"Really? I mean... you better explain yourself."[/b] She was out of words because of the situation that happened, the sprinklers wet her and the classroom. She quickly put her clothes on. Noboyuki stood up, ready to get on with his introduction. Still, he couldn't have counted with the fact that someone actually activated the fire alarm. Just as some guys were saying they were to check on it because they were from Judgement, Noboyuki also started searching for his arm band in quite a hurry. After finally founding it and pinning it to his arm, he straightened up and looked at Kae. "I'm going to have to leave as of right now! Duty calls, sensei!" He said, before actually getting on with what he wanted. "I am Takahatsu Noboyuki, so make sure to punish me later! Real bad! Pweasee...." He begged. It was kind of disgusting and even made the blue woman flinch. Noboyuki rushed out of the classroom and like that, Kae was left with the class and a slightly confused look. "Um... Anyway, after that comedy routine, I think we can finally get on with class." Kae turned around, took a piece of chalk and wrote her name on the blackboard, using shadows as a parasol to keep herself from getting wet. "Well, as you already may know, I am Hoshira Kae, your teacher from now on. I will be teaching you magic formulas and whatnot, so please pay attention, all right?" Of course, she didn't quite expect for everyone to just be paying attention to her. Kids would always be kids, and so, she had to give a warning to everyone. "Still, I am not the kind to force anyone into doing things," She started, and started drawing some kind of structure in the blackboard. It seemed quite complex. "If you want to pay attention to me during class, that's fine by me, and if you don't, it's also fine by me." She finished whatever she was scribbling in the blackboard. It was a circle with some kind of star in it. She put the chalk in the middle and it seemed to adhere to it and just got stuck there. Kae turned to her students, a hint of a sadic smile in her face. "However, I have my ways to know who does pay attention and who doesn't. People who can't actually pay attention to me during class are going to receive an extra special, extra harsh treatment from Hoshira-sensei, all right?" And with that, the circle behind her lit up, caught on fire and then disappeared, making the chalk fall to the floor. That must have scared more than one of her students, but it sometimes seemed better than being too soft on them. Kiyoshi sighed after observing the turn of events, [i]Yagami Kaori, I've checked her past school records. A troublemaker to be kept an eye on.[/i] He thought. Supposing that the chaos is the norm, Lin Min Hai and Sayuri aren't present at the moment and Mr. Principle is in the shadows watching how this whole fiasco turning out. [b]"First impression is its stepping stone of getting to know one another but let's not make this redundant." Implying something that one must know. [b]"Whoever the culprit you maybe, I sure hope it''s not you, Ms.Yagami?"[/b] He questions her and implied that she's the culprit. [b]"Now that we're finished with these charades. Let us move on."[/b] "Thank you, Kiyoshi-kun, for giving me your permission to move on with my class." Kae said, half jokingly half serious. She didn't like having a brat thinking he is a big shot telling her what to do in her class, but oh well... She started on with her lectue. It was just basic terms on magic and whatnot for that day. They were just starting, after all. Soon enough, the two hour lecture she had to give was over. She bowed down to show her respects to her students and stepped out of the room, directed to her office/laboratory [hr] "Frere Jacques, frere Jacques," "Who is there?" Kae was now inside of her office and working on some papers. Probably the next class of the brats was already on. She looked up from her work. "Dormez-vous? Dormez-vous?" "I won't repeat myself. Who is there?" Kae got up and began looking around. Sonnez les matines! Sonnez le matines!" Kae reached for her scythe, something was amiss. "Ding, dang, dong." Kae felt something assemblling itself behind her, she turned around and merely lifted an eyebrow. It was boy, not much older than any of her students. Yet, this one had something, [i] inhuman[/i] about it. No dead, yet still not competely alive, Kae wondered what the person in from of her was. The cloths on her scythe started falling down, getting ready for a battle when she heard a harsh whirring sound, one of the boy's arm had turned to what seemed like an auto steel saw. "This is new." Kae was intriuged by this sudden development. "Ding, dang," The boy's eyes were finally visable, reavealing a set of bloodthirty pupils inlaided in eyes that were darker than the void, "Dong." The boy charged Kae as she quickly raised her staff to counter. [hr] Anderson had been dashing around the last hour searching for Subject J-43k. Finally, out of breath, he plopped himself down on a bench in the courtyard. "I sure hope that Yarimoto didn't see some illusion or something. God knows if its actually some punk in a sweatshirt." Anderson had half a mind to go out an personally find that agent and kill him. As the earth became silent with only the birds singing their chorus, Anderson tried to relax. Part of him said that there was no way Subject J-43k would be here, it defied all past expriences Anderson had. But part of him thought otherwise. "Is this doubt?" Anderson put a hand on the back of his sweaty neck, "And fear?" It had been a long time since Anderson felt either of those emotions. Suddenly, he heard a loud bang and, even without knowing what was behidn that bang, fear shot down his spine like a railgun. Subject J-43k was here, a full month ahead of sechdual. [hr] Jack's saw arm spun in increasingly faster rates, one would easily think that any normal saw would have broke by the speed it was going at, but to Jack, it was barely anything. "I found myself a treat today, a delicious little blueberry pie. How absolutely joyful!" At the incoming attack of whoever the guy was, Kae simply lifted her scythe. It was pitch black in color and had a design that looked like something out of a horror movie, so much that it didn't even seem useful. However, when the saw touched her scythe, it was surrounded by darkness, keeping it at bay from her, and from destroying her scythe. "Gotta try better than that, boy. This little pie isn't something you can cut so easily." Kae said, barely enduring the brunt of the attack. "Then let me turn it inside out!" the boy laughed as he launged at Kae, his auto saw arm aiming right at the blue skinned girl, "I hope you'll be just as tasty as the other twenty were. HAHAHAHHA!" With the words of the boy, it seemed as if the boy had actually killed more people before targeting her. Using the shadows creeping from the furniture, Kae skillfully tried to push the boy out of his trajectory to cut her. "You got to know when to be satisfied, boy." The boy rolled his head, "Bitch, don't tell me what to do." With that, he jumped up and grabbed some of the metal light fixtures, manipulating the atoms to forge them into throwing knives in his free hand. The auto axe arm then opened up, revealing a complex pattern of blood and circuits, intruiging the mad scientist ad it folden in and indivdual pieces flipped, slided and tranformed until a normal, human hand was in it place. "Rain, rain go away! Come again another day!" the boy rythmed as he threw a shower of thin metal knives at Kae. Kae clicked her tongue. The Esper boy was really good, she had to give him that. But not enough. Using her scythe to cut the door of her office down, Kae dashed out of the room, protecting herself all the while with the shadows around. She would not just say her magic name in front of a simple brat, but she had to get a little more serious. She continued on running and running, searching for a little spot with at least one tree. If someone with a trained eye was paying attention, though, they would be able to see lots of green lights surrounding Kae. Something only a wizard could witness. The ground under the wizard rumbled, as she wondered what it was, the ground erupted, revealing the boy, his arm back in his auto saw form, right above her. "You can't out run me little girl." his eyes went in an out of focus. With breakneck speed, he dived at Kae with his left hand that had now long, slender needles for fingers. "I see you have a lot of blood, let me free some of it up." he proceeded to stab Kae in the stomach with his needle fingers. "I am not a little girl, little boy." With the boy now stuck there with his hands on her stomach, it was a simple matter. Taking her scythe and slashing right at his chest, it would be easy to send him back even if it was just for a bit. Kae looked around, before seeing that a tree was near. She saw her blood-stained hand, then, when she tried to keep the boy's hand from hitting anything vital. It was her match now, there was nothing the boy could do. Spinning her scythe around and making the blade jam into the ground, Kae looked at the boy with lifeless, killing eyes. "Brat. Do you know of what there is a great abundance here in Academy City? Dead nature. Humans have almost made nature disappear in here, and that's left the place with a lot of spirits." Putting ehr hand up, it was suddenly lit by a green light. "You either leave or things aren't going to end up pretty for you. Ever felt how a branch up your-you-know-what feels like?" "Hey you two! What the hell are you doing?" the two turn their gaze to a campus security gaurd walking in on their fight and Kae's threat of natural BDSM, "NO fighting on school premise!" "This one looks tasty." the boy looked at the guard with hungery eyes and suddenly dissapeared from Kae's grasp. "Hm?" Kae looked at her bloodied hand as the boy evaporated into thin air, only to reappear in front of the security guard. "Tell me mister, what do humans love?" both the guard and Kae were wondering why would such a question appear now. Before anyone could move a muscle, the boy's saw hand reved up once agian, going from an industrial whirring sound to a gruesome buzzing nosie. "TOO SLOW!" the boy impaled the security guard with his super-charged auto saw hand. The guard screamed and writhered as his insides became scambled eggs and his blood sprayed all over the ground and the boy who raised the body up higher until the end of saw came out the other end, covered in blood and bits of various organs. He opened his mouth, revealing a frekishly long tongue that was catching the bllod from the guard's body like a child eating falling snow. The boy's face lit up went he stabbed the man's face with his five long, needle fingers and went to rip his face off.; the man's final screams of agony could be heard though out the school, prompting many students to look out into the courtyard and watch in horror as the guard's body was ripped in half. The boy looked back at Kae, covered in blood and gore and smiling ear to ear, "Itadakimas." Roots suddenly surrounded the boy, wrapped around him and made him unable to move. Yes, he was just a brat, but how fearful Level 5's were. Kae didn't seem angry or upset, or anything. She had the same poker face as she approached the boy trapped in her magic. "It's a shame, that such a fine experiment subject died like that. Well, I still have you. Turning you into a bit of a pincushion while missing anything vital should leave you just about ready for experiments." The shadows surrounding them lifted and became spikes. "Now, go to sleep for a bit boy, I'll make sure to treat you well after we see each other again." Kae simply said, a hint of a smile in her face, and the shadows started falling upon the boy, ready to pierce him. The spikes fell upon the boy in waves, each one as unrelenting as the last until there wasa nothign but a giant mass of pointy shadows where the boy was. All was silent in the following moments, nothing moved, nothing spoke. The only noise was the reaching sound a few unfortuate students who couldn't keep their digestive systems running in the correct path. "Now then, time to dig you up." Kae began walking over to the mass of shadows. All of a sudden, the shadows shot out, hitting the walls surrounding the courtyard, students ducked as black spike flew towards them. The black spears quickly pincushioned every advailable wall space. The smoke slowly cleared, revealing the boy, encassed in a suit of stone armor, kneeling on one leg. He looked up at Kae, "That almost hurt me." His eyes glew red with bloodlust and agner as he grabbed Kae by the neck and threw her into the ground, smiling when he heard sometihng crack. "I would have been disappointed if that was all a level 5 had in him." The hand on her neck was definitely not comfortable, but it wasn't as if she'd die, or maybe she'd die, she wasn't sure. Her pain resistance being at a minimum didn't really help. It was no more playing around. "Heh. You did well. But this ends now." A coffin appeared, above of the guy. It's wails and screams pierced the ears of anyone, and many of the guys around also fell asleep upon hearing it. Or passed out. It didn't matter. "You got two options." Her neck was cracking. Yeah, she'd die if that went on. "Keep that hand in there and get yourself killed by whatever is lurking inside there. Or get off me and we can both happily keep on with our lives. I feel like dancing and singing like a smurf right about now, so it'd be helpful it you let me stand up." Peeping inside the box would be the worst mistake ever. No one could resist the visage of whatever lurked inside that box, Esper or mage alike. "Heh, heh, heh." the boy begain to have an fit og laughter, "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" The boy's crackles pierced the air like ominous arrows until something else accompanied that sound, loud cracks, the sound of gunfire. "Oi, motherfucker, aren't you getting too cocky there?" it was Anderson. In one hand he has a Beretta Raffica and the other had a classical American Colt Peacemaker. "Go away puny boy." the boy threw several sharpened stones at Andeson, but Anderson had a trick up his sleeve. "Aurum078, the sun that never sets on the frozen gate of Hell." With that, time slowed, Anderson could see each and every projectile coming towards him. He grinned, he closed his eyes and visualized each one of the stones acd let loose his guns. When he opened his eyes again, all of the projectiles had been redirected away from. He reloaded and countinued to walk forward. The boy let go of Kae and charged Anderson, but somehow he missed and was left empty handed. "You never should have come here, White Chapel Ghoul." Anderson appeared next to him with his Peacemaker pointed at the boys face. "Please, its Jack-" Anderson shot the boy before he could finish, it was best not to leave loose ends dangling. The body however, stayed still, as it if it was frozen in time before one by one, pieces begain to fall. First the head, then the hand and shoulders, then the torso and lastly the legs, all of theem became stone bits in a pile. Another laugh was heard, this time it was real. "This has been a most amusing experince. Thank you for getting rid of my double Anderson." the real Jack said from the roof tops, "And Kae-sensei, don't worry, I'll see you dance like a surf one of these days after I humilate you and cut you in tiny little bits." "JAAACCKKK!" Anderson screamed and fired at the figrue on theroof to no avail, all of his bullets had little effect on the real White Chapel Ghoul. Jack smiled, "At least you're not calling me Subject J-43k anymore, have this as a parting gift." A long rope with a weight dropped down from the roof, howeer, upon closer inspection, it was someone's dismemebered head atatched to a long small intestine. Again, many student failed to regualte their digestive track. Anderson threw down his gun and cursed, everything was going wrong. His plans would fail at this rate, no matter how many times he would have to alter them, "No matter, you've had decades to perfect this plan Anderson, chill." Anderson sighed and picked up his gun before tucking them neatly into his coat, he walked over to the injuried sensei and reached out a hand, "Need help?" When Anderson approached Kae, well, the only thing he'd see is that Kae had actually fallen asleep, despite the ruckus. Laying there, she started moving around, searching for a more comfortable position to sleep in. [hr] [h3]AND THEN... A 3 DAY TIMESKIP! :[/H3] [h3]Ria's P.O.V[/h3] Tchs.... the rest of the day were just boring, significant moments for everyone, the usual bonding with friends and such while I'm isolated from the rest rather I got a warper and an Imploser on my back. Kaori and Yuki-kun. I just wish, it just gets better On the other hand, I also got lectured by Judgement and their Captain, Kinoshita Toshiki right along with Mr.Principle for my actions. It's just a quiet yet calm day before the storm. (Timeskip to April 4th 2XXX, Time: 9 in the morning) [h3]Hybrid Academy arc over! Next arc: Terracotta arc[/h3]