Somebody sure likes Dark Souls. You're not alone. ;) Some more questions here if you'll indulge me, NewSun. -Do characters age? Life and death are, after all, convoluted in this world. -By the same token, do characters need food and drink to survive, or are they relieved of those needs since they cannot permanently die? -How exactly does the whole resurrection thing work? Are their bodies fully repaired when it happens? What of their equipment? And do they awaken in the same spot that they died, or somewhere else? (Near a bonfire? ^^) -Since you liken it to a fantasy setting in some regards, is magic a thing? If yes, how does it work, how is it limited, etc.? -In how far are fantasy races a thing? Personally speaking I am not very thrilled by seeing orcs and elves and dwarves, but it's your setting. Did you have anything like that in mind, or is it just humans? Or maybe some more creative species? -Do all characters actually come from the same world, or is this setting some kind of focal nexus where perhaps multiple realities converge and characters from various places could end up? This is probably a mouthful, so thanks in advance for your patience and time.