[img]http://i.imgur.com/d8ztQ4c.jpg[/img] [b][center][h1]At'aine | The Well of the World[/h1][/center][/b] Following a disastrous world war, the Well of the World was destroyed. Its custodians, the House of Marathor, are also entirely eradicated. Consequently, all magic in the world fades into nothingness, and everything touched by magic loses its arcane lustre. This includes the maegi, who have not only lost their powers and connection to both the well and the world, but their sight as well. Those poor souls fated to be born as maegi enter the world dead or deformed. The Well of the World takes place twenty years after the great war and the calamity of At'aine. You have been summoned to a lonely hut on the banks of the Arthuinn by a letter containing an arrowhead made from some strange green metal. The letter is signed off by someone identifying with one word, 'The Claimant'. Not only will we be roleplaying in Arileth, but creating it. It is a new creation of mine and is not entirely fleshed out. The major stuff (in contemporary times) is established to an extent, but historical events, materials, beasts, legends, cities, towns, etc. remain unfulfilled. [hr] Of course, some history and context. At’aine, the Well of the World, was the source of all magic in Arileth. The origins of At’aine are not known, however its power was unquestionable. At’aine, hidden upon the summit of Tuin Athainon, somehow called to members of the other races thousands of years ago. These individuals came to At’aine and consumed its waters, becoming the first of the maegi. These maegi received power akin to gods, giving them the power they needed to lead their people into greatness, build monumental cities, establish kingdoms and empires, and wage horrific wars that reduced civilisations to ash and cinder. Over thousands of years, the blood of these maegi was passed down, gradually watering down their powers. The first maegi who climbed Tuin Athainon became the wardens of At’aine and formed The Conclave. Originally five, the Conclave soon numbered a dozen, each of them immortal. 600 years before the events of WHISPERS OF THE WELL, the Conclave determined the greatest custodians of At’aine would be humanity and thus formed the Council of Seven Kings. The Council of Seven Kings consisted of the Emperor of Merthys and the Kings of Lorinth, Paerius, Eredin, Maltheria, Olgoroth and Dumat. The Council and Conclave decided that the House of Marathor, Heirs to the Halls of Revandon, would safeguard At’aine. The Conclave finally departed the world. [b]Questions? Interest? I can get an OOC up within two days as I have a lot of the major stuff written out already.[/b]