Name: Alexi Rayne (Goes by Rayne) Age: 17 Appearance: [img][/img] Personality: One of the renowned skaters around. Alexi is a mischievous tomboy, who has only two main interest; skating and music. Alexi is commonly nice and laid back, that is until her manic depression kicks in. This can either lead to her having a prolonged burst of energy or gloomy slump, she also suffers from insomnia, which explains the trespassing and out after curfew charges pinned against her. Short bio: Alexi grew up in a frugal house hold, her mother and father didn't care much for her, they just let her do anything she pleased. Having that stated, Alexi spent most of her time on the streets skating and stealing food. (Explains why she's a good lock pick) At one point of her life, she was part of a notorious local skate team called the Anarchy Army, though that didn't last long. Her only friends moved away, leaving her back to square one. Unlike most children, Alexi was quite fond of the dead, she had a phase were she'd hangout in old graveyards, this lead to her being sort of dark.