[CENTER][IMG]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9f/Nathan_Phillips_square_-_Toronto.jpg/1000px-Nathan_Phillips_square_-_Toronto.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The sun was shining down over Toronto on the bright week day morning. People hurried every which way as they went about their day passing through Nathan Phillips Square. One lone figure stumbled along, dismissed by those too busy to notice his struggle as he hobbled along. Nearly falling over as a rough cough exploded from his lungs, the man fell to his knees gasping for breath. Managing to stand again, his cough was followed by a fit of sneezing as he grabbed onto a nearby ledge to support himself. Sneezing again, the air seemed to change as several loose pebbles moved off the ground. As the sneezing continued, the man found himself curled into a ball flying through the air. Colliding with the ground, several people around the body suddenly flew into the air as the gravity in the area went into a state of flux. People on one side were rising into the air as others were forced to the ground. As a cruiser belonging to the Toronto Police Force drove by, it suddenly pulled over the officers rushed over to help before finding themselves thrown into the air. "This is Officer Barker. We got trouble at Nathan Phillips Square!" He yelled into his radio just before he hit the ground. Gasping for air, the officer forced himself to his feet as he scanned the sky for his partner. "I'm going to need back up! Looks like we have a Hype situation on our hands again!" Letting go of the radio, the man put his hand on his holstered weapon and looked around for the culprit. No one stood out until he noticed the man in the middle of everything coughing up a storm. "Sir!" Barker yelled out. "Sir can you hear me! If you're responsible for this I need you to stop." He paused before muttering under his breath. "Where's S.H.I.F.T. when you actually need them?" The man at the cause of all the havoc, reached a hand out to the officer, his voice strained as he tried to call out to him. "P-p-please..." He started. "I-I can't control it!" A singularity formed in his hand pulling officer Barker's body towards him. The sudden jolt and the rapid velocity snapped the officer's spin like a twig as the dead body suddenly found itself torn between the increased and reduced gravity, ripping in half as each piece complied with the gravity field it was trapped with in. Screams echoed around the Square as blood spilled across the pavement. The Hype's own panic at the situation only made the situation worse as he began to loose more and more control over the gravity fields. Red and blue sirens light up the square as cruisers began to surround it. "Your first priority is helping the people, try to talk down the Hype. See if he has an demands!" The lead officer yelled as he motioned to those behind him. "Now lets pray we don't need SWAT on this one." [hr] As Ruth Staton walked into the facility she was greeted by a young woman in business attire flanked by two men in suits, no doubt her bodyguards. "Miss Staton," She said with a smile as she extended a hand. "Winter Caspian, Director of H.E.L.P. it's a pleasure to finally be able to meet you in person." Gesturing for Ruth to walk with her, she led her into the building as she continued to talk. Only recently acquired, the Hyperhuman Equality, Logistics and Protection Ontario office was overwhelmed with the smell of fresh paint and tile adhesives but yet smelled strangely clean as well. "As you can see we're still setting up here but things are coming along well." Coming to an elaborate office, Winter gestured towards an arm chair before taking her own seat behind the desk. "A bit unfortunate the media taking off with your story as they did. It's rarely a good thing to be put in the spot light like that. Either way H.E.L.P. is always here for you and we'll be doing the best we can to ensure these stories stay positive until this blows over." Opening a file on her desk, Winter reviewed the papers in front of her before looking at Ruth with a smile. "Anyways, everything is clear with your request to join our research facility here in Toronto if you still wish to, all that is left is set up some housing." She paused as she pulled out another folder. "We have some recommendations here for some of Toronto's nicer apartments and condos. If a house would be your preference we can certainly look into that as well. Did you have your heart set on anything?"