Alister laid in the bed, in the same position even as Aria awoke within his arms still. His body now warm and more comforting as he keeps a peaceful expression while sleeping away the day, deeply in dreams and the like. He didn't even notice Aria leaving as he still laid in the bed, mindlessly dreaming away. Quite a few hours into the day, though before Aria's arrival. Alister's eyes shot open, even with sunlight still preying the town. He's up in a flash, quickly through the door and into the somewhat brighter livingroom. He shades his eyes briefly, remembering at least where he was and why. He slowly steps back into the bedroom, gazing after the darkned blinds as the light barely slips through. He clutches his fist in irritation, only being able to wait untill the sun eventually falls to night with his urgent demeanor. His gaze eventually falls down upon his fist, releasing his grip to peer into his hand, the first time he actually got to realise how much he had recovered in the night. His lip curling into a bare smirk, thinking of the curious and certainly mesmerizing Aria. He sat himself down against the bed, resting his head gently as he started to merely wait.