[b]Name:[/b] Luka Herne [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Ethnicity:[/b] American/Romani [b]Race:[/b] Earthling [b]Personality:[/b] Selfish. Luka knows what he wants and will always do whatever it takes to reach that goal. He'll push down whoever gets in his way. After, the incident with a telephone pole, Luka has taken trips out to the country with an ax. He'll chop down telephone poles because he figures that's a lot easier than trying to climb those enormous things. Although Luka is the type of person to spend as much time indulging in his craving of choice as possible, he's very impatient. He typically chooses the fastest route for everything, but he always makes sure his plan is safe. He doesn't want to be the next news story about some freak seen munching on telephone wires. Despite being selfish, Luka does care about his siblings and soccer. He hates sitting at school for eight hours listening to teachers ramble, but does it so he won't be kicked off the team. He also tries to keep the electricity problem away from his sister, but he's pretty sure she doesn't think it's mice munching on the electrical cords in the house every once-in-awhile. However, this can also be chalked up to the fact that he likes soccer and so he's willing to do what it takes to play it and talking to his sister about his snacking would probably cause a hospital visit. [b]Strengths:[/b] Soccer, finding way to get a hold of electricity to eat, decent strategist, a good liar/actor, and pretty okay at cooking. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] He's addicted to electricity and will go outside the moral bounders to eat it. If someone promised to let him into his school's power supply room or even the generator at their house, he'd do questionable things. Whenever he hears beeping that sounds similar to a heart monitor, he tends to freeze up. He's completely selfish and puts himself first. However he'll put someone else's well being and emotions before his own if he figures it'll get him what he wants. [b]Weapons:[/b] Luka carries around a Swiss Army Knife on him and a screw driver. He has to be able to pry open the covers of power outlets. On his field trips to the country, he'll carry a small ax with him. [b]Power:[/b] Luka is able to mess with people's minds. It isn't simple compulsion, but someone could look at it that way. He was always able to generate electricty from his body, but for the longest time he didn't know what to do with it. Sure, he could snack on the electricity or further amp himself up by eating the delicious, wonderful stuff. But, once he took a Psychology class in high school, he realized what sort of talent he had. It wasn't like those weird incidents someone heard on the news, where people were phasing through walls or flying. No. When Luka had contact with someone's face/head, he could fire bursts of electricity to neurotransmitters to cause a lapse in memory and/hallucinates. He didn't even need to learn exactly where each neurotransmitter could be found in different parts in the brain. He just knew. All Luka needed was contact and a thought out burst of electricity, It was second nature. However, whenever he manipulates neurotransmitters, the current levels of neurotransmitters force Luka to feel the person's emotions. Although he can use this ability without eating electricity, he seems to connect better to the neurotransmitters better when he does. (I'd like to eventually expand the ability so he's able to use this to absorb information from other people and/or be able to completely rewrite someone's personality. I'd also like for him to possibly, eventually, be able to use his ability without contact. However, this really depends on how powerful you want the characters to eventually become.) [b]Family History:[/b] Luka is a Romani or, at least, was born into the culture. It was a culture outside the vastly technology-run society most people lived in. They were poor but they were free. He was born to Anselina and Noah Herne. His parents were married young and shortly after their marriage, they had Luka's oldest brother. His parents had then had a girl and another boy before Luka came into the picture. Like a good portion of Romani families, Luka's parents wanted a big family of their own. They wanted to wake up to the sound of little feet and make sure their children always had sibling to rely on. They came from a very close knit traveling community that loved exploring the world. The traveling community frowned upon robots, partly because they couldn't afford them and partly because they felt that they made people lazy. The family lived in a rusty RV, using it to travel across the United States. His mother had a job as a community nurse, despite only having only an expired CNA certificate, and his father worked on cars. They weren't anywhere near rich, but they had enough money to put just enough food in their children’s mouths. Besides, they grew enough plants to in their RV's to make up for the food they couldn't afford. Nowadays, his parents have rejoined the community while Sabina, Luka's sister, takes care of Luka and Sampson. [b]History:[/b] [s]Sorry. Not sorry. I got carried away.[/s] Everything changed when Luka was born though. He was born at a normal hospital in a very normal town. As some people would refer to it a 'gorger' hospital. Right away the problems with his heart were detected and he was sent off to surgery. His mother was frantic, as any mother probably would be, as her son was swept out of the room before she could even hold him. Luka's parents soon realized the dilemma they faced. They couldn't travel anymore. They needed to stay close to a decent hospital to make sure their baby could survive. This caused a lot of tension in the family. Eventually, after arguing with their mother, Luka's oldest brother returned to traveling with the community. After all, he had a fiancé and sixteen was definitely old enough to start a family of his own. Luka's parents didn't conform very well to the non-Romani way of life. His mother did renew her CNA certification and his father found a job at an auto shop. However, having a dying child tends to be a very stressful situation and there was never enough money coming in. Everything was so expensive; living was expensive. It was nothing like the lifestyle his parents had been raised in. One day, his father just disappeared. Afterwards, their optimistic mother started showing signs of depression. No one blamed her. She had been born into such a culture where she wasn’t so restricted and staying in one place was such monotonous. Eventually, she left a note explain that she was returning to the Romani community. This left Luka, at age ten, and his brother in the care of their older sister. It was awesome. His sister had finished her law degree and moved the family into a pretty nice apartment. Of course she was struggling but she loved taking care of her siblings. She wanted nothing but the best for them, and she was a constant pillar of hope. Of course Luka would get a new heart! Of course her other brother would get that girl to date him! She was a nurturing but strict force her brothers hadn't experienced for a long time. Luka's sister still practiced the religion surrounding the Romani culture and made sure to incorporate the culture into their family life as much as possible. However, Luka got worse. He was hospitalized for the millionth time in his young life and there was no lifesaving, miracle heart appearing. There was no unfortunate soul that had lost their heart. That or there was simply no one selfless enough to fork over their heart as they died. Luka's sister had already started jotting down a list of people she’d like to personally slice a new, healthy heart out of. Just as Luka's sister was about to beg the hospital to let Luka go home, so he could be more comfortable when the inevitable happened, angels appeared. Actually, those people could have been the very devil and his minions and Luka's sister would have still sold her soul to save her brother. Nothing mattered, not o Del or o Beng. This wasn't about good or evil; it was about saving her brother's life. Everything was wonderful after Acceleron came into their lives. Luka was able to return to school. He even joined the soccer team! And he was good. It didn't take long before he was the co-captain of the team. He relished in how the upperclassmen despised him for it. Years passed and everything just got better. He needed to be around electricity, wanted to be around electricity. There were no crushes, no high school romances. All Luka wanted was electricity. He started out sticking forks into sockets which evolved into him biting into household cords and eating the electricity right out of them. His sister thought mice had gotten into the apartment and set up traps. Luka realized if he kept up eating the cords in his house, his sister would only get suspicious. So, like any other person who is super fond of something, he started to go to extreme measures. He's go to school with a screw driver so he could take the covers off of sockets. Luka would even steal classmate's cellphones and charges so he could consume the electricity from it. This worked for a while until a telephone post in his neighborhood got knocked down. There was a fire! There was so much [i]electricity [/i] that a fire had been created. So, like the genius he was, he created a plan and went to a party. There was a lot of drinking and, after a timely makeout session, he was able to convince some teenage drunk with a truck to "take him home". All it really took was a quick grab of the wheel and they had taken down a telephone pole. Luka had gotten out of the truck and was practically drooling over all the lose wires spurting electricity. Like some weirdo the drunk kid would probably thought he'd hallucinated, Luka ate the wires electricity and all. Wanting to be better safe than sorry, he quickly returned to the car once he heard sirens. Sending electricity to activate/deactivate certain neurotransmitters, Luka was able to make the drunk teenager forget Luka had even been in the car with him. [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://www.zerochan.net/345297]Click.[/url]