Lucas sighed as Argo ignored him, watching the nameless one leave with Near-Nudey Judy in tow. The one pulling the wild girl offered for anyone else to follow them, and although he felt a gravity of interest towards the curious personality, the tavern was packed, and somebody had to run it. A new woman entered as the two were leaving. This girl was dressed head to toe in a dark tunic, pulling a hood over her head as she entered. Lucas managed to get a look at her face before it came in: She had beautiful red hair and bright blue eyes. Those same eyes seemed to be cast in Lucas's direction. He smiled at the new woman and motioned her over to the bar for a drink. As he did, he smoothly swept up coin left on the counter, replacing some with various drinks, poured and mixed at a brisk pace. As he served his eager customers, he caught sight of one of the salesmen getting up to leave. Lucas quickly made his way to the other one to inquire. "Your colleague's seems interested in that fellow, huh?" He asked. Before he waited for an answer, he shot down the topic and decided to talk about business. There was a short gap of time for him to talk, most of the tavern-goers plate's and glass's filled. "So, you two are spice salesmen, hm? What have you got in stock, my good man?"