[center][img]http://i1120.photobucket.com/albums/l498/wolflover114/d108bc8b-7039-4554-98e8-c2c52bd09320.jpg[/img][img]http://i1120.photobucket.com/albums/l498/wolflover114/0821adcf-9618-4d98-904b-772c8f44b5eb.jpg[/img][img]http://i1120.photobucket.com/albums/l498/wolflover114/145261c8-60f3-4ac7-9c70-b56f834f7de3.jpg[/img][/center] [center][h1][color=LightSeaGreen]Daria Belikov[/color], [color=DarkBlue]Annelise Brie[/color] and [color=Blueviolet]Rapunzel[/color] - Present Day - Lake Tahoe[/h1][/center] Daria sat with her feet on the couch, leaning back against the arm rest. She'd be lying if she said thoughts about what she and Alan had done in that very room just a day before hadn't crossed her mind once or twice. She looked over at Annelise, she had ordered that Rapunzel and a majority of the hair dressers went into the bedroom while one hair dresser stayed with her and Annelise in the main room. She wanted the makeovers to be a surprise! She sat up and leaned over the back of the couch, her hands resting on the table just behind it, "You look good, Annelise." She had changed into a t-shirt and boxer shorts, not wanting to be forced to sit in a chair in jeans and a nice shirt. She smiled at her friend, "Are you excited to see your princess?" She teased, shaking her shoulders, clearly excited about her friend's crush. She looked toward the door to the bedroom, "I wonder how long it's going to take them.... I mean... That's a lot of hair." Annelise sat back in a chair letting one of Daria's hair dressers play around with her hair, she looked over towards her friend for a moment and smiled. "Thank you, you look good so far as well." She smiled feeling the hair dresser running a comb through her hair as she shifted slightly in her seat. Blushing slightly at Daria's comment about Rapunzel being her princess. "I guess you can say that." Annelise rubbed the back of her head thinking about how long her hair was it would take a long time to get it to look good. "I don't know maybe the whole night." Annelise said jokingly. Daria laughed at Annelise's comment, "Well, that would be hardly acceptable. I mean, the Cinderellas need to get their asses to the ball lest the sister of one kill them all," She teased before flopping back onto the couch. Her hair was up in big rollers to give her a nice curl. They figured that would be easiest with most of their attentions on Rapunzel's golden locks, "I wonder what they are doing with it... I mean... There's so much potential... and yet there's too much to do too much either." She rose her legs into the air and pointed her toes, looking at her feet, "God, I hate feet," She flexed them, "I mean... Look at them!" "True, Eliza would probably be really mad that we were really late for the party tonight." She laughed softly as the hair dresser started to roll her hair up into rollers as well, and closed her eyes slightly. "Knowing your people i'm sure they will give her the full treatment like they always do for us." Annelise laughed looking towards Daria's feet. "There are some people who are really into feet in some weird sexual fantasy, i'm sure one of those guys would love them." Daria shook her head, "Those guys weird me out..." She allowed her legs to drop back to the couch, "Hey... What time is it?" Annelise took out her phone for a moment. "It's almost four I think it starts at five tonight. So we have about an hour maybe more before it starts." Daria sat up and looked toward the door to the bedroom, "Fine, if it's going to take that long," She stood and walked to the bar and pulled out a bottle of wine and two glasses. She opened the bottle and filled their glasses, "I'll grab Rapunzel a glass when she's out here and with us once more... For now," She grabbed the two glasses and walked over to Annelise, handing it off, "For you." She took a sip of her own wine. The hair dresser ignored them both, Daria paid them all enough money to do this that she could probably murder someone and they wouldn't bat an eye. She took a seat again and crossed her legs, "You have a date, no matter how unaware of it she is, makes this all just far more exciting," She danced a little in her chair before she quickly stood, "Oh! Music," She quickly grabbed her phone off the coffee table and walked over to the stereo and plugged it in before letting it play loudly in the room. She danced a little to it, "God, I love Sam Smith!" She took another sip of her wine and continued grooving. Annelise turned her head over towards the bar as Daria walked over towards it she quickly grinned when her friend pulled out a bottle of wine as well as two glasses. Annelise took the glass when Daria handed it over to her and took a sip of it. "Thank you." Annelise smiled, she set the glass of wine down on the table she could. She was surpised that she was very quiet and didnt say anything. "Don't you have a date or met anyone yesterday that you wanted to go with?" Annelise asked since she was going to be taking Rapunzel as her date and smiled. She watched Daria taking out her phone putting it into the stereo she could hear Sam Smith playing. "I never really listened to him before honestly." Annelise couldn't help but laugh as she watched her friend starting to dance. Daria looked at her friend when she mentioned not having heard the singer before, "Ah, how! He's so great!" She laughed a little and returned to the chair beside her friend. The hairdresser finished with putting Annelise's hair into rollers and moved to start taking Daria's out. She shrugged, "Nope. I prefer to mingle. One date is just so confining," She laughed a little and finished off her glass, "I mean... Would I like to be in a long term relationship? Yes... But I'm not just going to settle for some guy. I want to find a guy who makes me want to be with him and well... I haven't met him yet." She let her feet rub against each other a little awkward. Daria tuck a strand of hair that fell from the rollers behind her ear, "I mean.. I thought I found that guy but... It didn't end well. So, I just figured, I wasn't going to waste my life being boring and waiting for Mr. Right... I'm okay with combing through one night stands with the Mr. Wrongs." "I'm more into rock music mostly." Annelise watched as Daria headed back to her seat as the hairdresser went over towards Daria to pull out the hair rollers. She started to play around with her nails slightly. "Still going to a dance alone is kind of boring but thats just me. And you should look into dating someone." Daria sighed and shook her head, "I'm really not interested in dating a guy for two weeks so that I can have a date to a dance," She joked. Her mood seemed to darken a little as she looked out the glass doors to the hill, "Besides... I don't really have the best of luck with guys." She laughed a little. Her friends back home always told her, once she went on this non dating spree, how much luck she had with guys. She guessed she did, she bed almost every guy that she set her eyes on but beyond that one night... Not to much luck. She closed her eyes as the hair dresser started to spray all of the large curls she had put into her hair, "I mean.... my last boyfriend cheated on me from month four to year two... And... I just sat pretty because I thought I loved him." She opened her eyes again and laughed humouressy, "Then he broke up with me.... So I don't date. I fuck and I leave it at that... I don't get hurt that way... You know." Annelise looked over towards her friend as she explained why she wouldnt want to date anyone just for a dance, she remembered when Daria told her that her ex had cheated on her a few years ago and could understand why and nodded. "I can understand that, but going around getting laid all the time could be bad to. What if he had an STD or got you pregnant or something." She told her. "And I don't think your parents would be happy if you ended up having a little baby inside of you." Daria shook her head, "I'm on the pill. And my parents... they love me and they make sure that I don't want for anything... but they don't really pay attention... Not since I wasn't a shiny new thing," She stood when the hairdresser patted her shoulder, signaling that she was done. Daria walked back to the wine bottle and filled her glass, "I mean, why do you think they never realize that I've drank half of what they sent ahead of them. I guess that's the curse of multibillionare parents... Their businesses are their babies..." She shrugged and sipped, "So... It might just be a cry for attention. If I got pregnant, they'd have to at least notice to get angry," She walked over to the couch and sat down, "This is just all a fact of my life. My parents are sending me off to different parts of the world to get of their hair and boys just like the money or me... but not enough to just have me..." She took another sip of her wine, "I'm not really interested in this turning to a therapy session though. My parents pay for those and I hate them. So can we just go back to having fun?" "Yeah of course we can, sorry I didnt mean for it to get all serious and stuff. Though only advice just be yourself if you do decide to date again." Annelise said as she stood up and moved over to sit next to Daria on the couch grabbing her glass and quickly finished it up setting the empty glass down on the coffee table. She gently gave Daria a hug and looked out the window. "Want to order something to eat?" Daria was a little surprised when she was suddenly pulled into a hug. She sat there for a moment before she wrapped her arms around her friend, being careful of her wine glass, and rested her head against her shoulder. She laughed a little when Annelise asked if she wanted to order food then nodded, "Ya... Food sounds really good right now." "What do you want then, something from the lodge, or did you want to order some pizza, chinese?" Annelise smiled feeling Daria resting her head on her shoulder she would then playfully sneak down to grab her friends ass before letting go and laughed softly. Then the hair dresser came over towards her to start taking off the curlers in her hair and started to put some hairspray into it to maintain the curls. Daria jumped a little when Annelise suddenly grabbed her ass and pushed her away, laughing, "Way to ruin a moment!" She laughed and leaned back against the couch and shrugged, "I don't really know... I'm good with anything really... Something unhealthy," She stood and walked over to the desk and pulled out a bunch of take out menus from a drawer before she walked back over to the couch and sat down as she lay out all the menus. She looked them all over, "Eeny, meeny, miney, moo," She said as she went through the rhyme, pointing at the menus, "You are it," She picked up the menu and handed it to Annelise, "Pizza it is." "Well you did say to go back to having fun, and grabbing your ass to see your reaction is very entertaining for me." Annelise said with a giggle as she sat there as Daria got up and headed over towards a drawer seeing her taking out a bunch of take out menus. As Daria started to do the little rhyme Annelise snatched the menu from a local pizza resturant. "Works for me, would pepperoni pizza be alright?" Daria nodded, "Sounds good to me!" The bedroom door suddenly opened, catching Daria's attention. Five very tired looking hairdressers stepped out with their things and waved to Daria before all of them practically fled the room. A moment later, Rapunzel stepped out. Her hair was pulled back into a very sleek ponytail and was curled, which Daria could only assume would take forever. A small strand of hair remained out of the ponytail on either side of her face and was curled. Daria smiled as she noticed a little white plastic flower that sat in her hair, "Looking good... Where'd you get the flower from?" Rapunzel reached up and touched it before smiling sheepishly, "They had some plastic spoons that they were done with... So I used a lighter and made it." Daria's eyes widened a little, "Oh... alright... Well, we're getting pizza." Annelise smiled and nodded as she took out her cellphone as she took the phone number that was on the small menu and started to call to place their order. When the door opened that caught her attention as well, she turned around to look over towards the door seeing all of the hair dressers coming out she could easily tell that they were very tired. Which was understandable due to the exteremely long hair. She blushed slightly seeing what they did with Rapunzel's hair and smiled at her. "That looks really good I love it." Annelise couldnt help but smile, her eyes going over towards the white plastic flower that was in her hair. "I love the flower it looks really good on you." Rapunzel smiled at Annelise complimented her, "Thank you," She said quietly, "You took look very nice as well." Daria flipped one of her curls over her shoulder, "Why thank you," She laughed a little, "We are ordering in pizza. You good with pepperoni." Rapunzel nodded and pulled her hair over her shoulder before she sat down on the couch, her hair pooling in her lap. Daria reached out and touched, "God... How is it so healthy?" Rapunzel looked down at it and shrugged, "I'm not really sure.... But I remember it always being like this." Annelise blushed slightly at Rapunzel's compliment and smiled at her. "Thank you, how was the experience with Daria's army of hair dressers?" Annelise asked jokingly, she would reach over to gently run her hand through Rapunzel's hair she was surpised how soft it was. "Whatever you are doing with your hair seems to be working really well though." Rapunzel smiled and looked up at Annelise as she ran her hand through her hair, "I brush it a lot... Once a day... But I don't think I do anything special with it." Daria looked between the two off them before she stood, "I'm going to refill my glass and I'm going to call the pizza place. Rapunzel, you are free to get a glass of wine if you want." She stood and quickly stood and filled her glass before she grabbed the phone and disappeared into the bedroom, leaving the two girls alone. Rapunzel bit her lip as she glanced up at Annelise, "I don't drink... well... I've never actually drank before..." Annelise looked towards Daria as she stood up as she told them she was going to call the pizza place, and blushed slightly as Daria left the two of them alone in the room together. She turned to face Rapunzel for a moment and smiled at her. "You don't have to unless you want to anyway. Though the stuff Daria always gets is always the best tasting." Annelise got up and headed over towards the wine bottle to fill one more glass for herself and took an empty glass in case Rapunzel wanted a drink as well. "So uh how long do you usually comb your hair for?" Annelise asked she was curious how she kept it maintainable. Rapunzel looked at the empty glass then up to Annelise who was filling her own glass, "I suppose... I could try," Rapunzel said as her curiousity got the better of her. She filled her own glass and picked up the glass, holding it in both hands as she smelt it. She shrugged as Annelise asked her how long it usually took her, "Around a half hour if I'm being really thorough." She sipped at the wine, making a bit of a face before she took another sip, "I kind of remember it taking hours... But," She looked at her hair and shrugged, "I don't know why... I only really remember some stuff before... I painted a lot and crafted... I read... I did a bunch of things but I don't remember why." She laughed a little and cross her legs, "I like brushing my hair though... It is really soothing." Annelise leaned back in her seat looking over at Rapunzel as she poured her own glass of wine seeing taking a sip and the face she made her giggle slightly. "If I had hair as long as yours it would take me hours just to comb through it all and get the tangles out. I bet it is really." She took another sip of her wine before putting the glass down not wanting to get fully drunk when the dance started. "Seems you like to do a lot of things in your spare time, when i'm not working in the lodge i'm usually on the slopes with my sister." She thought for a moment. "Have you ever dated anyone before?" At the mention of her spare time, Rapunzel nodded, "I do. I'm really good at spending time by myself," She laughed a little before hazarding another taste of her wine. She looked up at Annelise again when she asked if she had been in a relationship before. The girl blushed a little and shook her head, "No..." She shrugged, "At least not that I remember..." She took another sip, finally starting to get used to the taste, "Most people I hung out with this past year are old women... or Agatha... I mean I've seen other people but they are just clients... or walking by where ever it was that I chose to walk to..." Annelise giggled softly and nodded to her. "I do almost the same thing after im done with work," Annelise said as she stood up and went to turn off the televison her eyes going back towards Rapunzel. "Im surprised that no one has ever asked you out yet, you are very beautiful." Annelise said blushing slightly rubbing the back of her head as she sat back down on the couch. "I bet this Agatha is a really nice person since you always mention her, what does she look like?" She asked curious who Rapunzel had been working with. Rapunzel blushed slightly and looked at her wine glass when Annelise called her beautiful, "Thank you," She said in almost a whisper. When she asked what Agatha looked like, she stood and grabbed her sketchbook and retrieved the picture of Agatha and handed it to her, "She is. She let's me stay with her, she fed me, and clothed me before she even knew if I could even be able to repay her. I do my best at the salon and she says business has picked up but I feel like I'll never be able to repay her." She sat back down and sipped at her wine, crossed her legs once more, "Daria has been calling the pizza place for sometime... Does it usually take this long?" She couldnt help but smile at Rapunzel seeing her blushing slightly at her compliment she really did mean it Annelise resisted the urge to lean in and kiss her. "You are welcome, and I think its a good thing that you are still helping her out at the salon where you work." Annelise said softly gently giving Rapunzel's thigh a gentle rub. Annelise looked down at Rapunzels sketch book getting a good look at what Agatha looked like. When Rapunzel asked what was taking her so long to order the pizza. "The only thing I can think of is that we are up in the mountains we sometimes get bad reception. ill text her real quick." Annelise took out her phone and started to text her to see what was taking so long. [i]"Hey Dari whats taking so long?"[/i] Daria looked down at her phone when she heard it buzz before she quickly replied, [i]I'm just drinking in here. The pizza will be here in 20. Now stop texting me and ask the girl out!!!!!!! xoxo <3[/i] Rapunzel nodded when Annelise said that she would give the girl a text. She leaned back against the couch and looked out the window. Daria's room had quite the view. In fact, the entire room was pretty damn amazing. Rapunzel didn't even know that rooms like this exsisted, it made her curious about just how much it cost... A night would probably be equal to her life savings, even if that only went back the year. She looked back at Annelise when she heard her phone buzz, "Is everything alright?" When she got a text back from her friend, Annelise quickly looked down at it and couldn't help but roll her eyes at the text before texting her back. [i]Getting to it Dari.[/i] Annelise hit send, her attention going back towards Rapunzel as she asked her if everything was okay. "Yeah everything is fine, shes just heading over to the lobby to get better reception." Annelise sighed slightly as she started to blush deeply and rubbed the back of her head, she turned to face Rapunzel. "I was wondering if you would like to go to the dance with me?" Rapunzel looked over to the bedroom door, "I didn't even see her come out." Her attention was pulled back to Annelise though as she heard the girl sigh. She leaned in a little, looking at her friend, trying to see if she was okay. Rapunzel was rather horrible at reading people... When she faced her and asked her to the dance, Rapunzel's eyebrows knitted together, "I... I thought we were going together, she said quietly," as she sipped at her wine once more. Annelise started to look slightly nervous she was always a bad liar she knew her friend was still in the other room. "Theres a balcony outside of Daris room where she can walk straight towards the lodge." She answered. Annelise looked into Rapunzels eyes thinking of a good way to ask her out. "What I mean by that is going more then just friends, I want to ask you out on a date other then the dance tonight." Annelise finally said, Rapunzel looked at Annelise for a few moments, blinking, "A date? Your date?" Her eyes didn't move from the other girl's, searching her eyes. She tried to find any sign that the girl was joking, like this was all going to turn out to be some cruel joke. However, Annelise just seemed shy. Finally, Rapunzel nodded, "Yes... I would like that." Annelises eyes quickly lit up when Rapunzel said yes to being her date for Snowfest, she was not going to play some joke on her she was attracted to Rapunzel and her shyness made her smile. She then quickly pulled Rapunzel into a tight hug giving Rapunzel a gentle kiss on the cheek, though she had dated a few guys in the past she had never been with another girl. Rapunzel turned a deep red when she felt Annelise kiss her cheek. When they pulled away, she drank the rest of the wine in her glass and smiled, happy to see that Annelise was very excited that she agreed. She bit her lip as she tried to think of a way to word the question she had for Anne. She could already feel her body seeming to warm up and her head becoming muddled from the alcohol. She looked at her friend and tucked her hair behind her ear, "Does this mean... That you like me? Cause... I've never dated a guy... let alone a girl...." Annelise looked into Rapunzels eyes for a moment seeing her turning a deep red and drinking down the rest of her wine glass. She blushed slightly at Rapunzels question and nodded slowly and smiled blushing slightly. "Its if you want to date me that is. I mean... I've never been with another woman either..." Annelise told her, remembering the small gift that Daria had given her to give to Rapunzel, Annelise slowly took out a small gold necklace with a peral on it. "I wanted to give this to you if you said yes.." Annelise said softly as she showed Rapunzel the necklace. A small smile spread across Rapunzel's lips as Annelise said she had never been with a woman either. It wasn't often that Rapunzel found herself discovering something new that was new to someone else too. Normally, it was something someone else had known about for years... Like cellphones. She was about to answer her when Annelise pulled out a gold necklace, causing Rapunzel's jaw to drop slightly, "I... I can't take that," She said waving her hands a little, "I mean... I... I think I would like to date you... but... I can't take that and besides... I live in San Fransico... I'm just here for the week... Do... you really think we could make that work?" Annelise looked at the necklace for a moment she wasnt sure if Rapunzel hated it or not causing her to frown slightly. She leaned forward anyway as she gently latched it around Rapunzels neck, looking into her eyes for a moment. "I know you said you didnt want it, but it looks really good on you." Annelise told her, when Rapunzel told her she lived over in San Fransico which made Annelise think for a moment if they could really make their relationship last. Hearing stories of long distance relationships never trully worked in the long run Annelise wanted to make it work. "I think we can make it work, I can give you my number you can call me or text me anytime you want. And we can video chat anytime you want as well..." Rapunzel hand rose slowly to let her fingers rest on the small pearl that sat against her chest. They spun it around a little as she smiled, "Thank you," She said quietly. When Annelise told her that she believed that they could make it work, she nodded her head, "Okay.... I'm still getting the hang of my phone though," She confessed before pulling out a flip phone and handing it to Annelise. Annelise smiled softly as Rapunzel gently played with the pearl and nodded to her. "You're welcome." Annelise said softly as she watched Rapunzel pulling out an old looking flip phone before she took out her newer looking phone. As Annelise looked through Rapunzel's contacts she started to add her own phone number into it and then typed Anne as Rapunzel's contact on her phone. Then Annelise started typing in Rapunzels phone number into her own before handing Rapunzel's phone back to her. "Thank you." Annelise smiled softly thinking about leaning in to kiss Rapunzel but she wanted to take it slow for now. Rapunzel nodded her head when Annelise thanked her for her number, "No problem...." Daria came out of the room then as someone knocked on the door. She walked over and opened it before taking the pizza from the guy and thanking him. She closed the door, having paid over the phone and walked over to the couch, "Hello Ladies." She put the box down and opened it, stealing one of the slices before she refilled her empty glass, "How is everything?" She asked as she spotted the necklace she'd give Anne around Rapunzel's neck and smiled, "How I didn't miss anything," She said with a cheeky grin as she bit into her slice. Annelise turned around hearing the door open to see Daria coming into the room and smiled softly at her for a moment before turning to look at Rapunzel. "Everything is good here." She told her friend rubbing the back of her head slightly and blushed. "You didnt really miss much, we just exchanged numbers." When the pizza man came in Annelise quickly grabbed a slice of pizza and then snatched the small bell pepper that always came with it. Annelise reached for the glass and started to pour her wine into it and took a sip of it. "I cant wait for Snowfest to start, I just wish I knew where Eliza went off to she has been gone since last night." Daria waved her hand when Annelise brought up Eliza, "I've been trying to text her all day. She's been ignoring me, which makes me think she had quite the eventful evening." She laughed a little, "If your sister was a little less uptight as she can be at time, I'd say she'd got herself laid." Rapunzel leaned forward and took a slice of pizza for herself and bit into it. She hadn't met Annelise's sister, so she really didn't have much to add to the conversation at all and instead took to enjoying her pizza slice. Daria crossed her legs, "I suppose we should actually get dressed after we eat..." She smiled, "I can't wait to see two pumpkins turn into Princesses!" Annelise laughed slightly at Daria's comment on her sister probably getting laid, but she wasnt sure who Eliza was seeing and then blushed slightly remembering the night before with Alan. She started to finish eating the rest of her pizza and ate the crust as well. "Thank you again for the shopping spree Daria." She turned to look at Rapunzel and smiled at her reaching over to gently rub her hand. "I'm going to go get dressed now, I'm sure there will be more food down at the party." Annelise said as she stood up and started to head over towards Darias bedroom to get changed. Rapunzel nodded her head when Annelise informed her that she was going to go and get dress, "Okay..." She watched her go before she turned back to eating her own pizza. Daria looked at the girl, she seemed little shy despite having spent the entire day with her. Which made Daria curious if what happened while she was gone... It probably was, since that had been the only thing to happen while she was gone. Daria finished off her own slice and looked at the girl, "There's a bedroom upstairs that you can get changed in... My stuff is all in my room, so I'll have to wait for Annelise to come out but you could go if you want." Rapunzel finished off her pizza then nodded, "Alright," She stood and gathered her things before she headed upstaies in search of the bedroom to change in. As Annelise closed the door behind her inside of Darias room, she started to take off the clothes she was wearing her brown eyes going over towards the red dress she had picked out earlier that day and smiled. Annelise made her way to the bed as she started to put it on, along with the pair of boots she had bought herself. Annelise looked at herself through a full human sized mirror that was on the door to the room, the dress fit firmly over her body and smiled softly liking the look she had given herself as well as her hair she was ready to go out to Snowfest with Rapunzel and Daria. Annelise then opened the door looking over at Daria and smiled at her. "How do I look?" Annelise asked, though Daria did see her in the same outfit before but without her hair fixed up. Looking around Annelise noticed that Rapunzel was gone and tried to look around for her. "Where did Rapunzel go?" Annelise asked as she headed over to the couch to grab another slice of pizza. Daria looked at Annaelise when she stepped out and smiled, "Like a super model." She stood up when she asked about Rapunzel, "Oh, I sent her up to my parents' room for her to get changed. She should be down in a few," She headed over to her room, "Now, my turn." She disappeared into her room and moments later, Rapunzel decended down the stairs, gripping to the railing to ensure that she didn't fall. Her hair trailed behind her slightly, catching on a higher step. Rapunzel looked over to Annelise and smiled as she finally reached the bottom step, "I think I've got this walking in heels thing...." She laughed a little and walked over to the other girl, only wobbling ever so slightly at one point. She stopped in front of her and looked her over, "You look nice," She said as she smiled at the other girl before quickly sitting, not giving herself a change to fall over. Daria stepped out a few minutes later in her own [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/e8/07/a4/e807a4e9aeb444a58075656dd7d77344.jpg]ensemble[/url]. She walked over to the girls' as she fingered her usual necklace that hung around her neck, playing with the pendant that was no larger than a quarter. The long blue skirt, swished around her legs as she moved. She smiled at them, "Well, I think we are ready to head down." Annelise nodded at Daria and smiled at her. "Thank you." She said softly as she watched Daria getting up to head over into her bedroom to get changed. As Annelise finished eating her second slice of pizza Annelise could hear some heels clacking as they went down the stairs. Upon seeing Rapunzel as she wobbled down the stairs slightly and approached her. "You look so amazing Rapunzel." Annelise said as she moved over to let Rapnzel sit down next to her. "You will get used to it trust me, though your feet will hurt after you have worn them for awhile." Hearing the door open Annelise watched Daria as she headed out of her room seeing her friend in her dress. "I really love that dress Dari it looks way better then other dresses you have." Annelise stood up looking between her friend and Rapunzel and nodded to them. "Lets get going then." Annelise said as she headed over to the door and opened it for the two of them.