[url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/78155-pokemon-tribal-low-advanced/ooc]The Interest Check[/url] Long before the adventures of the games or anime, the humans of the pokemon world lived in tribes, fighting the wild Monsters that would, millennia later, be known as Pokemon, for their very existence. At that time, technology was pretty basic, with most tribes using nothing more advanced than bronze to craft tools, weapons, or armor. Luckily, sometimes humans would convince Monsters to fight on their side, either through domestication or, with the more intelligent ones, by becoming their friends. These Monsterkin were usually the protectors of their villages, keeping the wild monsters and rival Monsterkin at bay. Monsterkin, unlike normal warriors, have the ability to learn to fight as the monsters do. Through their bond, and by watching the Monster's movements, they can use moves which the Monsters use. "Magic" moves, such as water, ice, fire, grass, electric, rock, and some dark moves, require special stones of that magical type to do them. "Psychic" moves require a Monsterkin to have Psychic abilities, something that results from their bond with Psychic monsters. "Ghost" moves require a person to have Spiritual powers, which are learned in a way similar to Psychic moves. Similarly, "Fairy" moves require Fae power, which is gained from Fairy types. "Poison" moves require a Monsterkin to mix their own poisons. Normal and fighting moves can be learned by watching Monsters and being physically fit enough to do the move. Steel type moves require a metal weapon to use them. Finally, Ground, Flying, Bug, and Dragon type moves cannot be learned by Monsterkin as far as the elders know. A serious threat is brewing on the horizon, though, which will threaten the way humans live and interact with monsters forever. --- We'll make our own village to start off. As far as people in the village go, so far I've got an idea for a master Monsterkin that trains others and is in charge of the city guard, who has a Combusken (he bought it from a trader as a baby Torchic) and a Charizard, plus an herbalist Monsterkin that is an old, retired woman with a Sunflora and a Roselia. As for buildings, I think we'll need houses, a meeting hall/longhouse, a storehouse, a few shops (including an herbalist), a training academy for the Monsterkin (lead by the master, it's like a gym in later games), and maybe a temple and an inn. If you've got any ideas, feel free to tell me. While the post length doesn't have to be really long (something which is hard to do when you're having a conversation.) It should at least meet High Casual quality standards. I put this in Advanced because there is a lot of lore involved in it, and we will have to write even more. We'll need to choose which area's pokemon we are using, as they would only really have access to their area's pokemon. A few Monsterkin could have traded for their partners, but for the most part we should stick to one area. I'll adjust the Pokemon of my two characters accordingly.