As students trickled in to watch he began to explain the point of this whole thing. [i]"Alright every body, I'm Airus. I'm an Enforcer and your all here because you want to skip class or because you want see what the hell the police force is like in the city."[/i] That got a lot murmurs and quiet comments from the audience. [i]"Well to start with only a third the force is students, the rest is Secure-X droids. Now I'll be showing off weapons we use on any Gifted student who gets out of hand. These are concussive rounds but encase of emergencies we have lethal rounds. Now this the standard issue Enforcer pistol."[/i] He held up a heavily over-sized pistol. [i]"Those dummies down there are made to react like you would if you got hit by these things."[/i] With that he fired three shots in to the dummies, each hit it's and sent them flying in to the wall behind, hard. With that he placed the pistol back in it's holster. [i]"So give me a minute to hook up my rifle and for the bots to clear the range and you can see what happens when enter an arena fight. Yes that is right all Enforcers may bring there gear in to combat arenas."[/i] He pulled on his backpack reach back he squeezed the first lever releasing the rifle as he brought it out it extended and the scope popped out. [i]"This is a variable pulse rifle, they rely on energy from the charging station in pack, 100 shots in sniper rifle form and 1000 in Sub-machine gun mode. However these are blasts of energy, so they are able to put down people at long range, they hurt like hell to."[/i] He steps up to the range, the crowd having swelled a lot since he started.