[center] [color=MediumOrchid][h2][i]Serena Carson[/i][/h2] [b]Name:[/b] Xena. [b]Real Name:[/b] Serena Carson. [b]Age:[/b] 25 . [b]Position:[/b] Newbie. [b]Occupation (If Any):[/b] None at the moment. [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://i1289.photobucket.com/albums/b503/sleepingtusk/Xena%20Pic_zps5oo94pcu.jpg[/img] [hider=Hair Color][img]http://25.media.tumblr.com/b3b5b787f045269d5aca94de07e7dd61/tumblr_mgj52qXUuJ1qeen17o1_500.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Eye Color:][img]http://media.tumblr.com/887a750e9c49cf3fddd0eafda912e61d/tumblr_inline_n05i4cFtgO1qg47zp.jpg[/img][/hider] *Note: Her eye color is unnatural among humans but known as the Alexandria Genesis, which is a human genetic mutation she was tested for mutant DNA as a baby and was due to be tested when she reached maturity, however she was a late bloomer and managed to slip through the cracks. She has worn different color contact lenses over the years to help keep herself hidden. [b]Tattoos & Piercings:[/b] Xena has several piercings on her right ear, a scaffolding bar across the top of her ear, with two rings about halfway down, both of her lobes are pierced, she tends to wear a [url= http://www.alchemyengland.com/11773-thickbox_default/the-dragons-lure--left-ear-version.jpg] dragon ear wrap[/url] on her left ear with a small [url=http://thumbs4.ebaystatic.com/d/l225/m/mnL6Zsf2PQQy06Of9fZqrNQ.jpg] cuff ear stud[/url] in her right. Apart from that she has the left side of her lip pierced with a ring and a bar through her tongue. She has the Japanese [url=http://f.tqn.com/y/japanese/1/W/E/Y/1/heiwa12.jpg]kanji for peace[/url] on the back of her neck and a [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/f6/6c/d2/f66cd23577f5309000c7c61d0e940e39.jpg] howling wolf [/url] on her right bicep. [b]Personality Traits:[/b] Xena is a real firecracker, she has a rebellious streak and isn’t keen on beating things around the bush. She can be brutally honest and direct, often showing little concern over the tenderness of others feelings. She is a confident character though she can come across as a little pig-headed at times. Selfish, unlike many of the other mutants Xena wouldn't selflessly defend another of her kind. Even though she tends to be a risk taker, when it comes to putting herself at risk for the sake of others she tends to choke. She doesn't ask for help believing that 'her problems are her responsibility' and that she can only remain strong if she deals with everything on her own. Alongside this she believes that only the strong should survive and doesn't like the idea of dragging the weak along with them, this can cause her to appear heartless. As rough as she is around the edges she isn't an introverted person. Sarcasm is her first language and she uses it mercilessly, housing a unique sense of humor she'll often say things that nine times out of ten only entertain her rather than the people around her. Always looking for a way to cause trouble. She's very resourceful and is a natural problem solver when she wants to be, she has a knack for finding a way even when there doesn't appear to be one. She's also pretty good at finding loopholes in conversations so she isn't tricked or railroaded into anything she doesn't want to do or admit. The reason she does this is because she doesn't trust anyone, usually she'll be pretty upfront with people and tell them, but even after she gets to know someone she instinctively expects them to either double cross her or abandon her at some point so she keeps her guard up. Xena will become particularly confrontational when she feels threatened or anxious and will adopt a rather stand offish persona. She doesn't tend to talk about her emotions and rarely registers them, the only one that she can't keep bottled up inside is her anger. [b]Abilities:[/b] [u]Neon gas manipulation[/u] - can create, shape and manipulate neon, a colorless, odorless, inert monatomic gas under standard conditions, but when under low pressure glows a bright bluish purple if an electric current is passed through it. [i]Aerokinetic combat with neon[/i] - Neon lights surround her hands, lower arms, lower legs and feet giving her physical attacks a power boost. [i]Air Dashing using neon[/i] - The user is capable of performing short "dashes" in mid-air, allowing increased speed and even changing direction in mid-jump. [i]Aerokinetic constructs using neon[/i] - Can turn neon gas into tools, objects, weapons and other items. [hider=Power Biology]Her appendix mutated into an organ with the ability to store neon gas and then duplicate it, feeding it into her veins it then travels around her body in mutated red blood cells. Some of the sodium-potassium gates within her body also mutated. When she utilizes her powers her body releases large doses of the chemical stimulants epinephrine and nonepinephrine -also referred to as adrenaline and nonadrenaline, this natural reaction stimulates the mutated blood cells and causes the neon gas to seep out of her skin. At the same time it causes the mutated sodium-potassium gates within her system to open and send strong low voltage electrical pulses through her body stimulating the neon gas to glow a bluish/purple.[/hider] *Note: In order to utilize her powers Xena has to engage her anger, from then on it becomes a fierce battle of will. If she allows herself to become too worked up she loses any tactical advantage she may have and becomes as useful as a tank without a driver. The more ticked off she gets the more unpredictable her powers become, meaning she could potentially harm her allies unless calmed down. (This can be registered by how bright her eyes glow when she uses her power.) [b]Skills:[/b] [u]Free Running[/u] - With or without the use of her powers Xena can traverse near enough any type of terrain at an admirable speed, she is particularly adept at traversing cities. She has good muscle definition and a high fitness level so she is capable of pulling off impressive acrobatic feats...even before she's thought about using her mutant ability. [u]Hand-to-hand combatant[/u] - Xena excels in this field though she doesn't always play by the books, over the years she has picked up her skills from various street thugs and even a few classes here and there. What makes her deadly is her ability to mix and match her fighting styles, she's also not afraid to fight dirty. [u]Weaponry[/u] - Though she can use firearms she doesn't like them and isn't a very good shot. She tends to stick to melee weapons, favoring throwing knives which she hides in her clothes, she always has a blade on her somewhere. [b]Biography:[/b] Serena was 10 when the H.U.A was formed and began rounding up the mutants, her mother died during childbirth leaving her and her older sister in the capable hands of their single father. The first 10 years of the conflict barely effected her mortal family and due to Viola's insistence that her younger sister steer clear of it, Serena didn't become involved even when her powers manifested. Serena's powers manifested some time after she turned 15 due to a careless action, after arguing with her sister she ran into the path of an oncoming car, before the car made contact with her she lurched forward in a blaze of neon light. Everyone on the street saw her but Viola was the first person to reach her, both sisters disappeared that day breaking their father's heart and narrowly escaping the government. Serena changed her name and her appearance drastically but it wasn't enough to keep her hidden. To cover this Viola also went through some changes in order to protect her younger sister, she took on the persona of a man and became involved in shady business with human street gangs. Xena was generally kept out of her sisters dealings to begin with, staying locked away so she could learn to control her powers which took her well into her 16th year of age. Over time she wormed her way into pushing statistics and handling clients for some of her sisters contacts whilst Viola now known as Vincent ran the streets. When the rioting begun Vincent and Xena took to the ground and kept a very low profile, eventually forced to emerge again they went back to their previous life style, however this time Xena was on the front-line along with her brother. Over the last few years the pair have worked as footmen for a couple of gangs, they chose them very carefully only going for ones that were simply out for themselves, scavenging the spoils of war whilst tactfully avoiding it, this became increasingly difficult as the conflict between the factions escalated. Everything changed when trouble was brought to Xena's door, though Vincent had spent his entire life protecting his sister he ultimately ended up being her downfall. He had secretly been filtering off extra weapons and supplies and sending them to the mutant resistance, it was a small harmless deal to begin with. The gangs didn't notice if a few things went missing here and there in the beginning but after years of warfare the gangs became more protective of their supplies and Vincent was caught out. He tried to get away but the problem followed him back to Xena, pushing the pair into an impossible situation which resulted in Xena having a minor meltdown and using her powers to help them escape. Knowing that is was only a matter of time before his sister was found, Vincent reached out to his most trusted associates in hope of finding help. Having helped The Pit many times in the past by scoring them weapons or supplies in general Vincent came clean with them about Xena and asked if they could take her in. [b]Other:[/b] Despite her negative view on sentimental items Xena has her mothers engagement ring, it was given to her by her older sister as it is the only thing she has to remember her mother by. She keeps it on a chain and on her person at all times hidden beneath her clothes. Xena claims to be fearless but she's secretly phobic of snakes and small/tight spaces. Calling her a 'Warrior Princess' has a 50/50 chance of being accepted as a joke or earning the promise of bodily harm. [b]Theme Song:[/b] [url=https://youtu.be/Pn-6eOxnEMI]"All I Want" by A Day to Remember.[/url] [/color] [/center]