[color=f49ac2]"Are you kidding me?"[/color] Kanako sighed, glad he had given her an opportunity to vent. [color=f49ac2]"I can't use my ability at all! It's terrible! It's the most impractical ability in the universe! Remember that time I fell through my bed and woke up buried in the foundation of the apartment building? It's a good thing the night guard heard the crash and got me out, I could have [i]died[/i]!"[/color] She shuddered, and started walking faster, confident that Touji was following her. Or not following her. Honestly, Touji kind of did his own thing most of the time. [color=f49ac2]"Imagine suffocating to death in the foundation of a building. There's a reason phasers don't really last too long... You and Eri-senpai, you guys are lucky you have such cool powers!"[/color] Kanako sighed, a little envious. Honestly, all she wanted was to be able to [i]control[/i] her powers... but Academy City got kind of crazy, sometimes, so it was definitely a good idea to learn [i]some[/i] means of self defense. [color=f49ac2]"Anyway,"[/color] she sighed. [color=f49ac2]"Chiyo-chan doesn't need to be real to be perfect, and once you have Chiyo-chan, you don't need a real girlfriend. Or boyfriend, in my case."[/color] They rounded the corner. Wait, had the demo already started?! Kanako dashed around the corner and ran into the science room. Eri was there already, and Kanako waved to her briefly. [color=f49ac2]"Talk to you later," [/color] she hissed to Touji. [color=f49ac2]"I gotta go do something. I just saw Eri, though!"[/color] She pushed her way to the front of the crowd. She had to get a better look: after all, this sort of /was/ pretty important to her. There was a Knight firing guns at things: was [i]this[/i] the demo? Was she allowed to ask questions? Was she allowed to ask this person to teach her how to shoot a gun? Well, might as well give it a shot. (Heh.) [color=f49ac2]"Excuse me!"[/color] she said, raising her hand but not bothering to wait for him to call on her. [color=f49ac2]"Can you teach me how to shoot that gun?"[/color]