Mithias felt an attack focused on him. Like intense heat, it cooked his cells, tearing his body apart on a microscopic level. His healing was keeping him together for the moment, but he could sense a far greater power gathering within the damaged 'god.' Two voices sounded from his mouth, as two souls spoke at once, and a red glow emanated from his eyes. "I'm sorry that this is your answer." As the burst of power rocketed toward him, full of the daemon's destructive will, Mithias took hold of a semi-real ghost sword in one of this right hands. "Jigen-Tou." The dimension sword was the ultimate weapon. It could cut through anything, hit from afar, and even cleave space. He slashed downward in front of him just as the attack would have hit, causing it to instead be swallowed up by a rent in the fabric of the very dimension they occupied. Heat and wind, power, and disrupted subatomic particles all spewed into the dimensional rift. Then, just as the downward swing of the dimension blade began to return upward, Mithias reversed the blade's edge and cut up, opening another rift parallel to the first. Shiva's attack, his will, his focused blast of reality-destroying energy burst back at him from the second rift. He would be obliterated by his own attack.