Airus stopped, he stopped lowering the rifle, someone had either missed most of the lecture or they just wanted to get a rise out of him. [i]"The weapons are Academy city property, if you want training in how to use them you'll need join the Enforcer core or be attending one of the Knight schools in the city. However if anyone is interest see me after the demo."[/i] With pointed out a few targets at very long range, then they promptly collapsed as round impacted them. With that they released eight or nine moving targets, the rifle collapsed to an SMG an Airus went to work bringing down targets, each took a hail energy rounds before they feel back shut down. Once that was done he blew the smoke away from the tip sliding it back in to the backpack shutting it down. [i]"Now, I'll demonstrate something we currently only allow the best Knights in the city access to."[/i] He stepped into a metal suit, the other part closing as he pulled on a helmet. "So if you'll all step back, were switching the drones to combat mode. Oh and try to watch me, I don't do repeats." The crowd backed up and the Secure-X bots switched on a energy shield as Airus stepped in to the ring. With that suit lite up blue he just folded his arms, not even drawing his pistol. As each of the drone sprouted a machine gun turret. [i]"Sorry folks but these things and using live rounds, the shield will stop them, now Smokey give me some music and lets start."[/i] A Secure-X bot with red S painted on it's forehead clicked something and [url=]Japanese pop song[/url] started to play out of the speakers around them. All of the bots opened fired, however Airus seemed to calling where the bullets where going to be going and moving in other direction. Many of the bots shot each other as Airus used speed and agility to weave through, the gun fire he was just a blur of motion. Yet now the bots had formed a firing line yet drawing his pistol he shot the bullet that would met him out the air before sliding under the guns and spinning, his legs threw every bot hard in to the shield breaking it and destroying every drone. Pulling off the helmet as the suit removed itself from him folding neatly in to a pile. [i]"They have a thirty minute time limit and can injury anyone with Knight credentials."[/i] He spoke still lecturing, of course many had just videoed the event and were posting it online. They room began to clear as the Secure-X droids packed things away. Airus just leaned against the table waiting to see if anyone was going to want to join or wanted to see him.[i]"Those who want to apply see me."[/i] He told them, the crowd dispersing as they reflected on his skill.