Hooooly mother of god. That Enforcer was like-- Iron Man or something! But Kanako had something more important to contemplate than how much the Knight's suit resembled Iron Man, no matter how badass Iron Man happened to be. Join the Enforcers? All she had to do was fill out a form, and then she'd be able to learn how to use a weapon and stuff? Honestly, it sounded like a really, really good deal. And Kanako was so [i]tired[/i] of being so much lamer than all her friends. After all, Touji and Eri could do that whole super speed thing, and Taro had his bow and arrows… and what could Kanako do? Fall through floors and nearly suffocate in the foundation? The problem was, well… wasn't being an Enforcer supposed to be super dangerous? And she already had a part-time job! But… maybe if she cut down on her video game time, she could do both? And surely they had desk jobs or something, right? Honestly, she just really, [i]really[/i] wanted to learn how to use a weapon. She had no idea which one, but honestly, it didn't matter. Anything would do. And that was why, when the demo was over, she leapt up and hurried over to the Enforcer, still leaning by the desk. [color=f49ac2]"Um,"[/color] she said. Actually, on second thought, this guy was… kind of scary-looking. But no! She had to steel herself, and summon her courage! [color=f49ac2]"Excuse me! I'd like to sign up to be an Enforcer, please!" [/color] Oh god. Touji and Eri and Taro were all going to think she was [i]insane,[/i] once they heard about this.