Oh. Not too scary after all, then. Kanako took the form a little hesitantly, and started answering the questions. Age, school, grade… it was all pretty simple, actually. She hoped he wasn't expecting anything too impressive from her, because she was [i]sure[/i] to disappoint. Was there some kind of test she was going to have to pass? She hoped not. If it involved her gift, she'd almost definitely fail. [color=f49ac2]"I'm Kanako!"[/color] she said, doing her best to hide her nervousness and stay her usual energetic self. [color=f49ac2]"Sakihara Kanako! Um… I've never used a weapon before. And, um, my gift is kind of… um. Well, anyway, I'd really like to be an Enforcer! Even if it's just… a desk job? I'm good at paperwork, promise!"[/color] She smiled nervously. Actually, she wasn't sure if she was even good at paperwork, but she was sure she'd pick it up… somehow.