Amos sighed with satisfaction, setting down the fork and placing his napkin on the empty plate in front of him. Now THAT had been a meal. He sat back in his chair looking around the fine restaurant he currently sat in. The tables and chairs were all of solid wood, and the table cloths of some nice material. He didn't know much about fabrics. Off through an archway he could see the lobby of the inn. Upon arriving in Eterna City, he had made a bee-line for the Pokemon Center. His next was planned to be the inn as he was desperate for a meal and bath. Upon checking in, however, he had caught word that Professor Rowan was leaving town that day. There was even talk of him travelling to the Kanto region. Panicked, he had run about town searching for the senior researcher. A helpful man in white robes had kindly directed him to a local statue to the edge of town. Upon finding him, Amos stopped short. The professor was much more intimidating in person than expected. Fortunately, after some talk of his situation and offering up his journals and reports from his time at school, Professor Rowan had opened up. He was actually a kind man and very understanding. However due to his busy schedule in the coming months, he wasn't sure how to work with the young man. Luckily for Amos, a solution had been reached. He was to travel to the Unova region and research a pair of bug Pokemon Professor Rowan had heard about. Apparently, they evolved by interacting with each other and no other Pokemon. Professor Rowan was intrigued, bt could not check it out himself. As such, Amos's main objective was to observe these Pokemon and take observations both before and after evolution, as well as of the process itself. Along the way, he could learn to manage himself in the outdoors better and observe some Pokemon completely new to him. He stretched then checked his watch. It had been a long day, and he still hadn't had that bath he sorely needed. He paid for his meal and went upstairs to his room, excited for the adventure ahead.