Hello everyone! So, I'm fairly new to the site but not at all new to Roleplaying as a whole. I've been at it for several years now with my roots stemming from terribly embarrassing Pokemon RPs, heheh. Anyway, it's been a while since I've roleplayed as I've been occupied with life, but now I've come to find some time on my hands and would like to get back into the gig! [u]Expectations (Nothing much, don't worry!)[/u] [*]I really, really enjoy detailed post! seriously, you can describe everything to the finest detail and I will absolutely love it. I don't like setting too much of a standard but I like posts to be, at least, two paragraphs. I understand that action heavy posts will be shorter than most, so if those are about a paragraph in length, that's okay! I'm not picky, but I really am not fond of one-liners. Typically, I will try to match your post length. [/*] [*] I prefer to conduct the roleplay over Private Messages. :)[/*] [*] My only restrictions are excessive gore, torture and abuse. However, if you have any restrictions at all (whether it be pertaining to sex or whatsoever), please let me know! I don't mind at all. It's important we communicate, otherwise I will just assume that there are no restrictions. [/*] [*]I love to play fandoms! However, I only do OCs, sorry. :c However, the one and only exception to this rule is for Hetalia.[/*] [*]Not going to lie, I always expect some form of romance in all my roleplays. I can't help it, haha! If that isn't your cup of tea, it may be negotiated if you happen to have a real delicious plot. I'm open to it, but will need prior notice! :D[/*] [*] Speaking of romance, I only do MxF. Sorry! I can't relate to MxM or FxF well enough to play it at a good quality. ;; [/*] And that's it for the boring stuff. On to some plots and pairings! [u]Plots[/u] [hider= #1]This one might take a little bit of doubling up! Essentially, this is set sometime in the future when mankind realizes that Earth is no longer able to single-handedly sustain their development and survival. In an effort to solve the issue, an international group of four researchers were given the most hi-tech space ship and technology possible. They would be launched towards the closest, seemingly habitable (in that its makeup is similar to that of Earth) planet. The planet [thusly un-named] is several lightyears away but, thanks to recent revolutions in technology, the researchers are able to arrive within a year of launch date. Their entire ride will have them in a cryogenic hibernation until just before arrival. The goal? To scout out this new planet, find the basic necessities of life and to deem it safe for mankind to establish a new home. Of course, this doesn't take into account whatever life forms [preferably non-intelligent] may already reside there...and whether or not they're friend or foe. [/hider] [hider=#2] A mute girl is rendered homeless [reason still unknown] and never had the opportunity to learn sign language. She can read and write just fine, but must communicate in other ways besides speech. A coffee store owner is forced by his deaf younger sister to help her out. [/hider] [hider=#3] Time period is somewhere in the past, where nobles and such was still a thing. I'm not at all vehement about historical accuracies so, we'll probably mix and match from a variety of time periods. A rich character who is so used to the comforts of the privileged has finally done something [not sure what] and irked their parents. In their search to teach them a lesson, the parents send them away to live with their significantly poorer friends. These people are [fishermen, farmers, blacksmiths] who take the character under their wing. Naturally, this family has a child round about the same age as aforementioned character. They don't hit it off too well at first, due to a disparity of class. However, just as they were beginning to grow closer, the parents swoop in with intentions to take the rich character home and marry them off to some noble. [/hider] [u]Pairings[/u] Boss x Secretary Celebrity x Normal Person [Not necessarily a fan] Werewolf x Human Internet Friend x Internet Friend Pirate x Pirate Pirate x Captive Inventor x Invention Scientist x Subject Artist x Subject Cheesy summer romance. Cheesy winter romance. Cheesy vacation romance. [s]I like cheese. [/s] [u]Fandoms[/u] (Sorry! I'm currently filled for fandoms!) Hope to hear from you! :D