Monkey, There are three races in the world (there were four, but the last departed with The Conclave). They are the humans, the vrakis and the maruger. The humans will be the only playable race. The vrakis and the humans are almost entirely hostile towards each other as a result of the events of the war. The vrakis have greater numbers, greater physical power and greater landmass than any of the other races. The maruger are centaurs. They remained neutral in the conflict and have been unscathed by the Calamity (the last maruger mage died two centuries beforehand). They are a nomadic race who interact with both humans and vrakis for trading purposes and maintain a prosperous relationship with the humans of Zhevarra. Raven, It's difficult to explain the role of the players without spoiling a part of the story. I will say that each player has something to offer The Claimant and that the roleplay begins with a journey.