[hider=First Pair]Name: Viorel ‘Vio’ Age: 9 Appearance: A thin mamodo about average in height for his age. He wears dark blue pants, boots and a dark blue open front jacket with baggy long sleeves with nothing underneath. Vio has hard, light blue skin and dark yellow eyes. He also wears a slightly tall, tower-shaped dark blue helmet strapped around his head so that only his face is showing, hiding short spiky black hair beneath it. Embedded in his palms and chest are dark blue gemstones which he uses to fire his basic attack spells. Personality: A strong headed mamodo, Vio is quick to rise to any challenge. In a way, he can be quite annoying in that he can be overconfident in himself and his abilities while looking down on others, but ultimately has a kind heart and will go out of his way to protect others. Vio aims to become a Glorious King whose subjects will all respect, love , and remember. Spell Theme: Power Gems - Vio’s spells are both very powerful and versatile but are limited in that they often require him to charge up gemstones via his Second Spell before many of them can be used. [hider=spell list] 1. Koneshu: Fires out a burst of blue energy from a gemstone on Vio’s palm. 2. Chagurkofaru: Four floating gemstones form around Vio’s body which slowly begin to charge up energy; either simultaneously or one at a time at one quarter of the speed. It takes 2 minutes for all four to be charged at the same time, or thirty seconds for just one. The gemstones must be within a one meter radius of him in order to charge and can be destroyed if they take a direct hit. Once a gemstone is fully charged, Vio can either launch it at an opponent to explode on command or use them in conjunction with another spell. (Not yet learned) 3. Ganzu Koneshu- Uses charged Chagurkofaru to fire off numerous beam-like blasts of energy from various directions which explode on contact. A fully charged gemstone will be split into four smaller gemstones which each fire a beam or a partially charged one will fire 1-3 beams. (Not yet learned) 4. Gigano Burokonesh- Usable only when three Chagurkofaru are fully charged. The three gemstones form a 2 meter wide circle in the air before firing a large destructive beam of energy at the target through the circle. (Not yet learned) [/hider] Color of Book: Cyan Human Partner: Katie Garnet Name: Katie Garnet Age: 21 Gender: Female Appearance: [hider=Appearance] [IMG]http://i1245.photobucket.com/albums/gg600/melandru2/db8dd26c68819e7ba3a6e3d3385d42dc.jpg[/IMG][/hider] Personality: Katie considers herself to be a calm, reserved ordinary person, but has something of a short temper when annoyed. She can be snarky and dislikes getting involved in troublesome matters like Mamodo Battles but will do so when necessary. She cares for her friends and will fight to defend them when they are in danger. Bio: Katie is a Canadian college student who is currently studying in Germany. Mamodo Partner: Viorel [/hider]