[h1]The Rising of Love and War.[/h1] Building a empire: In this rp you are assuming the role of a emperor or empress of a new rising empire. Try to secure your place at the throne though strict military tactics or secure it through unifying your country as a hole and gaining the mass's support. Make alliances or enemy's. Make your empire a bustling trade city or a self reliant one. [b]Some information[/b] -My co-gm is now [@UltikanaRe] -Im only allowing everyone too have 1 empire just to leave room. - Im not sure of the total land of the planet this will be on yet. But its roughly the size of earth. -Ive been wanting to get into nation rping so be kind. -Pointers are very helpful, -yes I'm going to be changing the name when i get the map up. [b]Rules:[/b] -If i see you being mean to others in my rp, i will personally escort you out of the rp. If you have a problem with someone else ask me. - No gm'ding everything. We do not need some gm nation. -Me and UltikanaRe's rules are final. No questions. -Do not go to war for no reason. - Please keep cussing to a minim, You really don't need it to rp well. - Please keep mature scenes out of the rp. We need no smut.' -map will be up in a few days. Still working out the kinks. [b]Nation Cs:[/b] [color=ed1c24]Empire name:[/color] (Empires flag) [color=ed1c24]Empire's Territory:[/color] (refer to updated map for a suitable location. Use Map to show. Note Capital city in map.) [color=ed1c24]Empire Territory Demographics:[/color] ( Per city/providence. Note Capital city also.) [color=ed1c24]Empire Alignment:[/color](Warring, Neutral, Peaceful) [color=ed1c24]Empire Anthem:[/color] [color=ed1c24]Empire's Historical Events:[/color] [color=00aeef]•Founding •Early Domestic Struggles (Riots/Failing economy) •Early Foreign Struggles (Conquests/Wars) •Cultural Trends (Enlightenment/Language/Arts/Science) •Middle Domestic Struggles •Middle Foreign Struggles •Middle Cultural Trends •Current Cultural trends •Current Domestic Struggles •Current Foreign Struggles[/color] [color=ed1c24]Empire's Government Type:[/color] [color=ed1c24]Government Officials:[/color](Positions in the government & who they are filled by.) [color=ed1c24]Empire's Interaction Policy/Foreign Relations:[/color] (on a -100 to 100 scale of bloody war to total neutrality to strong and ancient alliance, standings put after relationship description in parentheses) [color=ed1c24]Military:[/color] [color=00aeef] •Size •Compositions •Leadership[/color] [color=ed1c24]Tech:[/color] [color=00aeef] •Military Tech •Household Tech •Medical Tech[/color] [color=ed1c24]Economy[/color] [color=00aeef] •Imports •Exports •GDP/GDP per capta[/color] [color=ed1c24]Customs/Religions:[/color]