The air was stale and the minutes seemed like hours as Tommy watched the girl with the hammer like a hawk, but about that time a girl got up and said something in what seemed like english, string a large number of words together and head toward the door. What seemed like a very intense moment that was going to last for years was broken by the distracting girl. By now, Tommy had figured out, by the words of the girl with the hammer, that the younger girl was about to go outside. "Hmm...well, someone has to do it." He said, trying to ease the anger of the room, "I'll go with her, ain't no one going to hurt me, least not sober." He followed the strange girl out of the room, shutting the door quickly behind him because of the wind blowing the maps everywhere. The sunlight seemed to hurt his eyes, it felt like it had been days since he had seen it. The crisp salty air was not something that he was used to. A smile stretched across his face, he was surprisingly happy with the situation....sure it was inconvenient to be taken away from his friends and job, but he always had a heart for adventure ever since he had ran away. He tried to keep pace with the girl, she was quite excited and practically running to see the sights of what was now confirmed to be a ship. He didn't really know what to say to the girl, and was afraid to ask anything because he didn't know if he could follow a conversation with her. "Er...uh..." He said, looking for something to say just to make the situation on the ship less stressful, "So...uh... what 'id you say yur' name was?"