Hey. The name's above, or to the left, whichever's true. You can call me Oro if you'd like. I recently moved over to this account from a different account that I no longer use. I help keep the IRC in check mostly, so you can find me there much more often than I'm likely to post here. I haven't really done an RP in a long while; haven't found the urge to write or be inspired by much, but if you think you can change that, you're more than welcome to try. Some trivia, I guess: [list] [*] The username was taken from one of Akuma's victory animations in one of the Street Fighter games. I forget which one.[list][*] It's not grammatically accurate, but looks better than throwing a dash mark (-) into it. [*] I suck at Street Fighter. [/list] [*] Assuming you have signatures turned on, the GIF in my signature was created by me. May not be impressive to you, but I'm ecstatic about it, as it's the first GIF I ever created.[list] [*] I wish I could say the same for the material from which the GIF was created. The guy who made that is amazing at what he does. [*] [color=ed1c24][u][b]If you're prone to seizures, don't look at it. I'm not saying it will give you a seizure, I'm just telling you as a precaution.[/b][/u][/color] [*] I pronounce it "jif". [/list] [/list] I'm pretty friendly overall, so if you want to come over to the IRC and meet me, feel free, but be warned that if I don't recognize you, you'll be subject to a [s]public caning[/s] welcoming process. Pretty standard stuff, you know. I'll also be chatting here in this thread and probably a few others, so don't be shy. Looking forward to some conversation.