Silic stood back, away from the battle as he watched the battle, trying to predict where his target would move next. As the android would move, the teen would launch a dodon ray, which would usually be dodged or deflected. Growling in frustration, Silic fought the urge to rush into the brawl. 'Damnit father, why am I fighting back here!' Launching into a combo, Sodius tried to force his opponent back into his father, while also forcing an opening for his brother. Many of the blows missed, and the ones that didn't seemed to affect the droid very little. 'That armor, it's getting in my way!' An attempted sweep of the legs failed, and the Namekian snarled. 'Why can't I land a good hit? Why can't I beat her?' As he felt the frustration of his sons rise, Glass also felt the gathering energy behind him. 'Back, now!' In unison the three of them jumped back, as the colossal amount of energy surged forward. Turning his head away, Glass hoped the attack would finally end the conflict. 'This is getting out of hand quickly. We need to end this.' Pulling on his reserves, Glass prepared to charge back into the battle once more.