[hider=Appearance] [hider=Without armour] [img]http://community.wizards.com/sites/mtgcommunity/files/pictures/ae6ddcb806048783618687a7971e79a4.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=with armour] [img]http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs19/f/2007/253/c/e/Khorne_Berserker_by_tacticangel.jpg[/img] [/hider] [/hider] Height: 7’2 Weight: 280 lbs. Hair Color: Red Eye Color: White-blue with vertically slit pupils and black sclera. Name: N’kara Kelborn, The Blood Demon Age: 28 [hider=history] N’kara was born in the cold north in a small tribe of roaming warriors. Just as any other born in the tribe she was trained in the art of combat. Her people were not the people of finese or tactics, they much more preffered brute strenght to absorb the enemy’s attack and then kill them in a brutal fashion. At the age of fourteen N’kara got lost and found shelter in a cave. Little did she know that this was a place where an ancient demon was sealed away. This demon was bound forever to this place untill a host would appear for the demon to enter, and N’kara was a perfect host. Before she knew it the demon entered her body and then slowly corupted her body, scarring her with blue “tattoo’s” over her entire body. Although the demon entered her body it did not gain full control over her, she was still able to control her own movements but it spoke to her. It told her about it’s masters, the dark gods of old in which the people of the north used to believe before the Imperium enforced unto them the Imperial Pantheon. It also said that it would grow stronger of her emotions, feed on them. Ofcourse N’kara was shocked by all of this. She tried to run back home but when she got there it was all burned to the ground, only one man was still barely alive. He told her that a rival tribe had done this. Filled with rage and grief N’kara took her parents’ axes and headed off to this tribe, honour demanded retribution. Once she reached the rival tribe’s camp she proclaimed who she was. One man laughed at her and said he would show her how they treated her mother. At this moment something snapped in N’kara and the demon took control over her body. At the end of the day all that was left was a circle of pikes with the heads of all the tribe’s men fitted on them. A sacrifise in honour of the dark gods. Now, N’kara is but a wanderer. If you need someone ripped to shreds, she is the mercenary for you. But now business is slow and N’kara roams from tavern to tavern, usually looking for a fight. The people who have heard of her have named her “the Bloody Demon” because be it through fighting or drinking she always leaves quite a mess behind. [/hider] [hider=personality] A true northern spirit, she is not a joker. She only respects people who can best her in combat or drinking. She is feels more in her comfort zone when she is secluded and preffers to work alone, seeing others only as dead weight. But if someone can earn her trust or respect she will do anything she can to protect that person. N'kara does not show compasion to anyone she doesnt know. Emotions are barely present with a few exceptions and she does enjoy some things... Like killing and torturing. She lacks a general feeling of morality and would kill without any remorse. Though she has some sense of honour, seeing lying and stealing as insults to her gods. She is very devoted to her gods and does not really like it when they are being mocked. Ooh, and dont compare her with a man, she doesnt really like that. [/hider] [hider=weapons] N’kara preffers to use her fists in most combat situations. Her brute strenght can crush a man’s head with her bare hands. When the situation requires some heavier weapons though she will use her dual axes, both her mother and father’s. These axes special runes carved into them which give them distict resistance against magic, making them able to deflect most forms of basic magic. The are called "Gorechild" and "Gorefather". [/hider] [hider=abilities] -Demon possesion: She is permanently possesed by the demon. This gives her an amount of resistance against any dark magic but it doesnt make her invurnerable to dark magic attacks. Light magic on the other hand hurts her even more. Holy objects will make her suffer in pain or even paralyse her. The demon also makes her alot thougher and phisically stronger then most other humans. Ofcourse the demon wouldnt like it's host being damaged too much so N'kara also has a self healing ability. This is a rather slow and painfull proces however, taking a couple seconds to just close a scratch and it cant regrow lost limbs. This ability does not filter out poison though and that should be removed by either a real doctor or someone with proper healing abilities. -Unleash the beast: This triggers once N’kara has been heavily damaged or something which infuriates her happens(Party member being severly injured, being betrayed, etc.) This makes the demon get in control of her body and she will gain a massive boost in phisical strenght and toughness. The downside is that this is only temporary and drains alot of stamina. If the target isnt taken down quickly the body wont be able to sustain itself and N’kara will colapse in pain. [/hider] [hider=other] Although very strong on paper, N’kara will become practically useless when faced with holy men who are trained to fight darkness, so an ordinary priest wont be a problem but an inquisitor is a different story. Also, she is very strong and can take alot of hits and although she is slightly faster then an ordinary human, he speed and agility are not her strong points and when facing a fast agile target she will most likely take a couple of stabs in the back. Some of her human features have been overrulled by the demon possesing her. At first sight the most notable thing are her eyes, seeming more like those of an animal then those of a human. When she opens her mouth people are terrified to see that she her teeth are much closer to those of a wolf then of a human. Emotions are also not really present, although there are some exceptions like anger which is actually predominant. [hider=Gods] Khârn: God of Blood, War and Murder. His domain covers the most basic and brutal of sentient emotions and actions, such as hate, anger, rage, war and killing. Every act of killing or murder in the broken world gives Khârn power; the more senseless and destructive, the better. However, though Khârn is the God of bloody slaughter, he is also the God of martial pride and honour, of those who set themselves against the most dangerous foes and earn victory against the odds. Isha: God of Change, Evolution, Intrigue and Sorcery, she who weaves the threads that connect every action, plot and subtle intrigue in a galaxy-wide game of manipulation and subterfuge. Cegorach: God of deception, stealth, creativity, art and trickery. He is the direct rival of Khârn for where Khârn sees honour as important, Cegorach sees it as a weakness and something to be exploited. Ynnead: God of the death. [/hider] [/hider]