[Hider=House Stanton]Family name: Stanton Seat: Coldmoor keep Sigil: A white wolf howling at five yellow stars on a navy blue background Motto: To dare is to do Affiliation: The Starks Description: House Stanton is a newly formed house in the north. They own a small castle called Coldmoor keep which is located around two hundred miles south east of Winterfell, bordering south with house Hornwood. The land that they own is fairly large for a small house but the land is uncultivated from being moorland, it has a few villages and farms and one iron mine. The lord of Coldmoor keep is simply known as the Lord of the Moors. History: Joseth Stanton was a young hedge knight from the Stormlands who travelled to the north to see the wall, after this he stopped off in Winterfell were he started to work for the current lord, Torrhen Stark. After spending quite a lot of time there and being inspired by him, Joseth created a sigil loosely based on the Starks but instead had a full wolf howling. (The five stars came later, each one counting as his child.) When the old lord of Coldmoor passed away with no living heirs, families who lived around the lands started to bicker over who should own it. Finally the stark lord held a small tourney for those who wanted the land. Joseth plucked up the courage and asked if he could join in, he was accepted and luckily ended up winning. The other lords were not happy about this because he was not a northerner. Later down the line when Joseth was five and twenty years of age he married a Ryswell woman by the name of Leyla who was twenty years of age and a second niece of the Lord at the time. Which gave Joseth a bit of support from a house in the north. She gave birth to three sons and two daughters and they both loved each other. When he turned one and forty years of age the north joined the dance of the dragons and Joseth went south again with the Winter Wolves and died in the First Battle of Tumbleton probably burned alive by the two dragons controlled by the two betrayers. The responsibility then fell on Theo to become the new Lord of the Moors at the young age of six and ten. He later went south himself with what few people were left in his lands following the she wolf to King’s Landing. Members of the house: Lord Joseth Stanton (Died in the dance with dragons.) Lady Leyla Ryswell (Died from a fever during winter.) Lord Theo Stanton, current Lord of the Moors. Ser Torrhen Stanton. Lady Jane Stanton, twin to Torrhen. Margaery Stanton, a young shy girl. Ethan Stanton, a toddler.[/hider] [hider=Theo Stanton]Lord Theo Stanton, Lord of the Moors Age: 18 Appearance: [img]http://www.thestar.com.my/~/media/Images/TSOL/Photos-Upload/From%20DCX/2014/12/27/doc6igajek13atbiyn79bw.ashx/[/img] Sigil: A white wolf howling at one yellow star on a navy blue background Personality: Theo is a laid back easy going young adult even after all of the pressure that has landed on his shoulders at such a young age. It takes a lot for him to start taking things seriously, this doesn’t mean he’s not a good lord in fact it’s actually different. He’s proven to his small folk that he’s a capable lord handling the harsh winter well. When he travelled to other holds in the north with his family he managed to easily become friends with most of the other children, it was something that came natural to him, everyone seemed to enjoy his company. He is a very loyal person and wants to try and prove himself to the other Lords in the North to try and show his family should belong there. This sometimes doesn’t come across when people talk to him because he can be quite lazy at times. Theo started to realize that when he came into his mid-teens that he could easily seduce the maidens who worked at his father’s castle so he started to become notorious for sleeping around. Biography: There isn’t really much to tell about Joseth Stanton’s children just because they’re all young and they’re quite green, not really having any major life experiences. Theo was the first born child so he’d naturally been raised to become Lord one day. His Father and master at arms, an old grizzly knight called Brandon Selmy who knighted his father and travelled to the North with him taught Theo how to fight and what it meant to be a true knight. Raymund a bright young maester from the Reach has taught him in everything and took care of any illnesses since Theo can remember. Theo was anointed in the faith of the seven but has always liked the old gods better, he fondly remembers as a child visiting the Godswood with his mother. He liked the peace and simplicity to it compared to all the extravagance and splendour of the new gods. He felt at home close to a weirwood. When the dance with dragons started his father left him in charge to learn what it was to be an actual lord, having his mother and their maester as advisors. Unfortunately a few months after his father went south, his mother passed away suddenly from a fever in the middle of winter and then a few months after that the news came up to the north about the First Battle of Tumbleton and nearly every one of the Winters Wolves had died. Theo had to tell his younger sisters, Jeyne handled it well being a strong girl, but Margaery was a timid girl and took the news a lot harder especially after their mothers passing. His youngest brother would not understand only being two years of age. Theo then sent a letter to his other brother, who was at white harbour were he’d been squiring under a Manderly knight and had recently been knighted himself, asking him to come back home. For the few months after the news of their father passing, the rest of the Stanton family managed to get through the rest of the winter intact. Now a second army has mustered and marched on King’s Landing for justice, Theo and Torrhen gathered any able men willing to fight in their lands and marched south with the She-Wolf.[/hider] [Hider=OOC]Will have my cs up for tomorrow.[/hider]