A new spark, a sudden fire glowed in Shiva's vision. A will of great magnitude, an inheritance of the True Life. And it could feel a wave of malevolent will flooding towards it. For a moment, the great being panicked. Had one of it's brethren been moved here, and chosen to dispute control of this universe? Or was it the accursed Second that struck out at Shiva. It took a moment before the Daemon realized that the Will that now sputtered harmlessly around it was in fact it's own will to create and destroy. Directed through a link in physical space, or rather a removal of the concept of space. A connection between two points, a magic that had never existed, and should never exist. It was not a manipulation of the Root of magic, but rather seemed completely alien to Shiva. The beast, despite being unharmed, could be seen to recoil, it's form rippling and shifting as the face portrayed atop it's humanoid body became, briefly, one of fear. Then, at high speed, it started moving away through space. Not propelling itself in the normal sense, but seeming to bend space around it into a tunnel, like some kind of reality-bending caterpillar.