[Hider=Artemis, Huntress of Moonlight] [b]Name[/b]: Artemis [b]Age[/b]: 19 [b]Gender[/b]: Female [b]Species[/b]: She appears to simply be human. [b]Physical Description[/b]: As she is the youngest of Brand's adopted children, Artemis possesses the most youthful but peculiar appearance. With flush, radiant tones of pale skin beset upon hues of pale blue for her eyes, she can be quite the beauty to behold if she ever strayed from beneath the guise of her royal blue hood of her cloak embroidered in intricate patterns of silver. Her hair however, is what earned her name from her father. Long, thick, and pale as the moon itself, Beneath the cloak rests a tunic made of fine silks that rests in a skirt just below her thighs. Leading the way up from her toes however is a pair of thigh-high boots made from fine leather. When she walks, she does so with an almost feline grace, with the muffled chain mail that pokes out from beneath her tunic making near to absolutely no noise. It is in the forest that she has survived on her own for many years, and as a result there is a certain...wildness that flickers within her eyes. Armament wise, she is rather light in comparison to her adoptive siblings, though it doesn't make her any less skilled or lethal. A longbow and quiver, from which the fletching of twenty eagle-feathered arrows pokes forward from. Upon her thigh just below the cuff of her boot also resides a sizeable hunting Knife that she oft uses for hunting and skinning. [u]Skillset[/u]: [u]Precision Archery[/u] - Just like her elder siblings, Artemis is incredibly adept in the art of notching an arrow unto a string and loosing it into the air towards an adversary with incredible accuracy. Her weapon of preference is a longbow. [u]Stealth and Subterfuge[/u] - Always one light of feet, depth of shadow, and extraordinarily able to spot a weakness in an adversary's defense, even among her siblings it is difficult to match Artemis in such a skill. Hand to Hand Combat - Much like her siblings, she is adept in close quarters combat. Often using even her prized longbow as a weapon to do so, she prefers to avoid it. As she is the poorest in this category when compared to her siblings. [u]Charmer[/u] - Because of her oddly eternal youth, bartering for a better deal or perhaps even luring an enemy to render them exposed to an ambush is something she can quite easily do. That is if she chose to, which only rarely occurs. [b]History[/b]: Dying on the streets of a city because of starvation is where Brand first found Artemis. A weak, broken child lost of any hope for the world in her youngest years of life. Begging for food or stealing scraps had been how her life continued to exist, and when he inquired where her parents had went, she had not a clue. For as long as she had known, Artemis had not known the ceiling of a home nor the crackling warmth of a fire. There had only been the starlight and the moon to keep her company. Brand took pity on her, sweeping the child up beneath his wing and bringing her into his home with many other orphans of the same troubled state. There, for the first time in months, she had her first decent meal, her first rest upon a comfortable bed and pillow, and to what little she could remember, she now had a family. At first, her many siblings seemed to be suspicious of the young girl, but eventually came to accept her being there. She however, admired just about all of them. Each of them older, stronger, and faster than she was. Something she had to aspire to in her silence and lack of words. Brand feared her to be mute at first, but soon found that she only spoke a few words, and only when directly asked to do so. It were a peculiar trait for a young girl to have, but it was soon accepted that Artemis only spoke when spoken to, or when what little words she had to say would bear a significant weight. Because of Brand, she learned how to fire a bow. Once she had finally regained her strength from good food, Artemis soon after learned to draw back an arrow and fire it. Years passed before she could reach the same kind of accuracy her siblings possessed, but it would eventually become a valuable skill as at the age of twelve, she would join them on hunts from time to time. Even taking a kill or two of her own as she learned how to move silently through the forest. Quietly, with each step that she took making not a whisper. Much like the Goddess she had been nicknamed after. Yet of all her siblings she chose to remain mostly unknown. A ghost compared to some, an invisible wallflower compared to others. The only fame she was granted was that of her beauty when she came of age to marry, and she was unveiled on accident one day as Brand's moonlight flower daughter. Merely hours after, suitors came to his door seeking his daughter's hand. On that same day, her eighteenth birthday, she strayed from her home and into the wild where she felt so much at home. What was once a ceiling and crackling fire for her comfort once again became the chilled starlight and pale moonlight she once had been friends with as a child. She did not return until Brand passed away, and only distantly did she watch her siblings, invisibly keeping an eye on them from far away, just in reach of her longbow in case they came under attack. Until now. [b]Psychological Profile[/b]: Artemis is one who is quiet, a literal practitioner of the thought that "Still Waters run Deep". Though she is a bit of a dreamer in terms of romance, she strays from such a thought as it is believed to her that it is impossible for her to find love in such a world full of strife and conflict. She walks quietly, and speaks even quieter yet, but when she does it carries distinction in spite of how much younger than she is compared to her siblings. For when she speaks, often it means that her words are of dire consequence. Intellectual and analytical, Artemis tends to practice the thought that one should walk softly and carry a big stick. Ambushes are her preferred thoughts of combat, as large-scale wars are often so ill-suited for her. Quick, painful, and detrimental attacks through guerilla warfare, or simply even laying in wait in a forest. Perched on high, and hoping the buck she has been luring now for hours strays within sight of her bow. [b]Equipment[/b]: [i]Weapons[/i]: [u]Brand's Longbow[/u] - Shortly before she disappeared, Brand gifted her his own personal longbow as a present for her eighteenth birthday. She regards it as precious beyond any measure and will defend it with her life. [u]Heavy Quiver[/u] - Instead of across diagonally at her back, Artemis wears this quiver loosely about the back of her waist. Comfort and for drawing speed of an arrow are the primary reasons. [u]Hunting Knife[/u] - A long, wonderfully forged knife that she uses for skinning and killing a wounded animal. Quite functional for finishing off mortal enemies as well. [i]Armor[/i]: [u]Heavy Cloak[/u] - Water and rainproof, made of fine materials and is navy blue in color. Embroidered are intricate patterns of silver. She uses the hood to disguise her face. Neither sword or arrow proof, it is essential for protection from the elements. [i]Tunic[/i] - Made of heavy cloth and carefully fit for her. Made of a pastel red, it's actually quite a beautiful assembly of fabrics. [i]Truesilver Chainmail[/i] - Muffled by the tunic, it is almost perfectly quiet when she walks with it. Providing additional, more durable protection against lighter sword blows and arrows. It is made of a wonderfully durable material, and true to its nature it shines beautifully in the moonlight. [/hider] Here, I think? Maybe?