It was a quiet time in the firing range at St Sebastian's, a time when one could take a break and relax from all the laser gun firing and the bullet gun firing. Yup, it was a time for Taro to stop shooting his guns and shoot his bow instead. From the back line, Taro fired upwards at a dummy a little bit away, spearing it through the top of the head. [color=7bcdc8]"Oh, sweet. It hit."[/color] Taro said. He found that shooting normal guns was rather boring. Sure, lasers were cool and, but they lacked punch. And yes, the more 'normal' guns had pretty good punch, but with something like a bow and arrow... [color=7bcdc8]"Alright, let's try this..."[/color] Taro said. He took two arrows from the nearby quiver and put one of them on the string, keeping the other one in his hand. He drew back and aimed upwards, at the dummy's head once again. As he let go, he quickly took aim straight towards the dummy's head and drew the other arrow back quickly. He released it as the other arrow arced and was met with a well timed, satisfying [i]thock[/i] as both arrows hit the dummy at the same time. [color=7bcdc8]"Holy crap, that worked!"[/color] Taro said. Well, he'd had little doubt that it would, but it was still cool. He pressed the button to open the door to the target field and walked over to analyse the damage. [color=7bcdc8][i]"Hm...."[/i][/color] He thought. Hitting the target twice was actually rather pointless, as one arrow should've been enough to pierce the brain. That said, if he fought robots or something, then maybe it would actually be useful. [color=7bcdc8][i]"It's only really useful for showing off..."[/i][/color] He thought. He shrugged and eased the two arrows from the dummy. He walked back to the sniper's nest and picked up his quiver. That was enough practise for today. As he went to retrieve his belongings from the locker room, he noticed as he picked up his phone that he had a mmessage from Kanako, which was curious. It was still around class time, afterall. Well, nearing the end of the day, but still. He quickly read over the contents. [color=7bcdc8]"WHAT?!"[/color] He said aloud in disbelief. She was getting an enforcer desk job? Why would she? He entered a quick reply. [quote=Taro] [b]To: Kanako the coworker Subject: GUESS WHAT???[/b] __________________________________ [color=7bcdc8]NUUUUUHHHH Y U DO DIS DON'T LEAVE ME BEHIND ;-; ps. Ugh, don't leave me with the boss by myself. Maybe I should become an enforcer too...[/color] [/quote] With that, he hit the send button, not even pausing to look over it. He'd probably written something stupid, but whatever. He still couldn't think of why Kanako had wanted to be an enforcer. Then again, her personality was kind of airy, and her control over her esper power wasn't the best, so maybe she wanted some kind of protection? Taro sighed and picked up his bag. He hoped he'd at least see her at the evening shift. He had to ask her in person about this. Fortunately, the bell went to signal the end of the day, so he slung his bag over his shoulder and started heading home. As he walked out of the school grounds, he stretched and yawned. It'd been a reasonably annoying day, but it was his first-first-day-of-school he'd spent as a senior with responsibilities, because honestly, he didn't like responsibilities. He was kind of tired, and the prospect of Kanako getting an enforcer desk job didn't exactly give him a huge burst of energy. He sighed again. The week promised to be a remarkably annoying one, despite the apparent 'freedom'. Sure, there was no school, but there was the fact that he had to go do competitions and contests that he would rather avoid. Representing St Sebastian's or something. If he had his way, he'd shut himself in his apartment for the entire week only emerging to consume food and buy games and manga. In fact, to be honest, he really wanted to be a neet for the rest of his life and not have to worry about anything, but bills had to be paid and he needed money for that. All in all, the next week would be pretty bothersome for him.