[@DAWNSTAR] Yepp, that checks out nicely. Teh-heh, compare you guys to Morag who I intended to be the first boss. That guy is going to get ------ed. Thanks for joining~ Now, then. I do feel I need to ask, where do you intend to start in all of this? Anyways, Narina is accepted~ [@Eklispe] Oh, wow. Taking the long route, I see. Tihi. Well, that is entirely fine. ... Being a vegetarian in fantasy middle-ages times... I wonder how that works out? Alright, shall I assume that she got that job in the end of the sheet? So she'll probably be in the throne room when we start, then, or did you have something else in mind? In any case, Arathyra is accepted~ Giving the Fire Emblem to the prince of Renais does work. Maybe he even could slip by Jehanna's troops without trouble. That would explain why the more easily identifiable people from Grado were not allowed to join him. In any case, I'll send a PM to the last guy asking how it is going~