[h3] Map Room~~!! [/h3] [hider=TamTam~~<3!!][img]http://ow.ly/Ke37c[/img][/hider] [i][color=7bcdc8]Oh wows... like what a for really reals awesomes accents... wows...[/color][/i] The accent was really amazing to the freshly turned eighteen year old cheerleader girl, but it was not the voice as much as it was those eyes. Yes, they were blue, just like her own but... but still, never had Tamara Jane ever seen such wildness; an intensity of a lone wolf. That was the closest she could describe those eyes. Winter like the blues of a wolf, lonely and selfishly alone in its loneliness. But Tamara Jane would never know such ferocity... ...but the depth of pain in those icy blues... just could not remain so hidden when it reflected like a mirror to the soul especially in such a time. A crazy time. [color=f7976a]"Ay!"[/color] Moss snapped, watching the girl. [color=f7976a]"Are you outcha god'm mind? We can't just go out there, what if the fokers who put us in here are out there?"[/color] [color=00aeef]“The door's open, chick,”[/color] TamTam said with a melancholic giggle, [color=00aeef]“you are sooooo awesomes, but even you... have you ever been left wonderin'... just wonderin'... 'what if?' I need that answer to that, [i]Les Mis.[/i] I soooo needs it. 'What if...?' Lil' bit o' love, whole lotta' hug... she gave me a reason... What reason? Hahahah... simple... The door's open, chick...”[/color] Such depth in those icy blues. You could just dive in and gets all lost in them... A single glance she cast over her shoulder and she saw the nerdy-looking dude grab at a silver item and greedily search for something to pick it open... [color=00aeef]“Hey, [i]Interlulz[/i] probs just give it to [i]Les Mis[/i] over there to smack it open?” [/color] TamTam kind of wanted to see her smack it open but-- suddenly she caught sight of Neko-chan dump himself in papers and Tamara Jane smiled at his totally cute whackiness.[color=7bcdc8] [i]Wait. Wut. Those ears looked so real. Soooooooooooo effin' real... ewww... for really reals now?[/i][/color] The teen was really curious but... She pulled open the door and marched outside, missing the words of the lumberjack mentioning he would go outside with the teen girl. The wind blasted into her face and the salty wetness of the outside gave her heart a skip of a beat, even though she had to shield her face with both hands. Was she really out here? Into the crook of one denim clad arm went her pale face as she reached back to close the door with her other hand. But it closed itself. Or so it seemed. A small hand reached out and grasped gingerly at a handle near the door frame. She steadied herself and took a single steeling breath before she decidedly went to go look for her. Another tingle and skip of a heartbeat as she could hear her, just hear her say-- [color=8882be]"Er...uh..." [/color] Shrek had followed her outside. And closed the door behind him. [color=8882be]"So...uh..." [/color] All she could see was that massive face and upon that massive face was that bushy, pervie moustache moving over his quivering mouth. [color=8882be]"...what 'id you say yur' name was?"[/color] [color=7bcdc8][i]Ewww. Max Pederson much? Ewww. Daddy Max... but ten times bigger and complete with teenie girly seeking dirty mouthing moustache... ewww...![/i][/color] His intent was pretty clear. It was just them, just the two of them out here. No witnesses to watch him and his pervie moustache. No hammer to stop him cold. He closed the door afterall. TamTam was about to scream at the top of her lungs, but the weather and rough seas had decided that they did not want her to get away from danger. Another swelling of big wet hit the hull and the boat lurched violently once more and TamTam lost her grip on the wooden frame. Another gust of wind in her face, driving back and TamTam lost her footing on the wet wooden deck. Perhaps the weather and rough seas wanted her for themselves. Tamara Jane rolled in a backwards somersault or two, hopefully not towards the outer railing and closer towards the frothing, greedy cold waters.