It was a strange feeling; grieving for a murderer. Victor Fries had undoubtedly been such a huge part of Dick’s life. He was the first of the rogue’s that the once boy wonder ever faced, the first that ever nearly killed him! Victor’s humanity was always something that separated from the other psycho’s the bat family had come across, his love for Nora and his goal to cure her. It truly was a great sadness that he would be forever be remembered for the attack on Bruce’s wedding and the murder of Lucius Fox. Poor Lucius. A man of honour whom raised Bruce, Dick, Jason, Tim, he engraved them all a code of ethics. Sure, Bruce and various other masters taught them martial arts and other skills they use in their battle against crime. It was Lucius however that made the Bat boys into men. The night had been raught with peril. Dick had only managed to get back to his and Bab’s apartment before he got the notification that Damian had been severely hurt. Things had gone from bad to worse, just like he knew they would. He knew that getting the family together was a stupid idea and look what happened. However, Dick knew this was not the time for finger pointing and blaming Bruce for everything wrong in the world. There would be time for that later. With Damian in good hands and after a long, long talk with his adopted father to try and fix the bridge they had yet to walk across, Dick collapsed in bed next to Barbara for about three hours sleep. As always, he was up and out of the house as early as his body would let him. Dick’s sunrise free run had become the stuff of legend in bat family lore. The routes were tough, he challenged his body, his athleticism, his agility every day but it was well worth it. No one could move like Dick, no one, not even Bruce. He once brought Jason along during his training days. Jay lasted all of twenty minutes, his body collapsing under the strain. Arriving at Gotham Central park at the crack of dawn, Dick was alone save one person standing in the centre of the grass. Red hair, a slim physique and a scar on the back of her neck which was only visible because her hair was up….wait. He knew that scar. Why did he know that scar? Think Grayson you big idiot. “Raya?” It was common knowledge that Dick Grayson had a thing for redheads. Barbara Gordon. Starfire. The origin of that thing stood before him now, [url=]Raya Vestri[/url], his first love. They were the best of friends growing up within the fantastical colours of Haly’s Circus. Even after Dick was adopted by Bruce, they stayed in contact and those feelings of friendship evolved as their bodies did. She was his first for everything. When the idea of Robin began to completely enthral Dick, he knew he had to cut ties with Raya. So he did and he did completely. This chance encounter was their first meeting in over ten years. “Dick Grayson” She greeted him with the lightest of laughs. “You always were an early bird” She sashayed over to the sweating police officer and smiled. “You look really good. Bigger too” Words didn’t seem to want to leave his throat. “Y..Yeah being a cop will do that. You look amazing, Raya” Placing her hands in her thick coat pocket, she flicked her head back and her hair rolled to her cheek. “Running a circus will do that. Speaking of, I was kind of hoping to see you now I’m back in town” Pulling something from her pocket, she slid it into Dick’s open hand. “We should talk. My number is on the back” Turning on her heels she set off out across the snow to a waiting limo. Dick simply stood frozen, that did not even seem real. He looked at the folded but of paper she had handed him and his eyes narrowed. [img][/img] A memorial show to his parents? Grayson’s heart began to beat fast. Haly’s had not been seen in Gotham in nearly twenty years and all of sudden now they want to do something in remembrance of that horrible night. Something didn’t feel right. Stuffing the flier in his back pocket, Dick tried to clear his head and resume his run. He arrived home shortly after and was greeted by Barb doing her morning rehab. It was really going well, soon she would no doubt be able to walk completely on her own without crutches. He was so proud. “Hey babe” Barbara greeted him. “Harvey called. You’ve been assigned special duty for the next couple of weeks” Dick took off his sweaty shirt and through it into the dryer. “Yeah? What am I doing?” Babs bit her lip as she stretched and looked at him. “Damn, my man is fine” Dick raised a questioning eyebrow and she laughed it off. “Security. Apparently you and Slam Bradley will be watching over Lincoln March” “Lincoln Who?” “March. COO of March Ventures. They say he might make a run for Mayor at some point” Dick scratched his head and sighed. “Fantastic, another politician. You know sometimes I think Gotham would be better off with Solomon Grundy as mayor” Bruce had spent a good portion of his evening ransacking half of Gotham, beating up thugs and generally being the king bad ass that he was. Hurting him is one thing, putting his boy in the hospital was another. He had only just returned to the Manor when a familiar sound known only to a select few filled his ears. Walking into the kitchen, Bruce opened a cupboard and pulled out two glasses, filling both with orange juice. He opened the back door and in stepped a very familiar face. “Morning Clark” “Bruce” [url=]Clark Kent[/url] dressed down in a black polo shirt and olive slacks was an unusual site to see. He took the orange juice and sat on a stool by the counter top. “Hal told me about Damian. I’m so sorry he’ll be alright though. He’s a Wayne. You boys are tough” Bruce sat down opposite the man of steel and sighed. “Save the pleasantries for Sunday brunch with Diana and Selina, Clark. Why are you here?” It was an odd relationship these two powerful men had. Such a drastic difference in backgrounds, childhoods and philosophies and yet, despite the always slightly antagonistic bantering between them, they were very much the best of friends the other had. “We received a distress call from Shiera. She was off world helping Saint Walker with the rebuilding of Odym and we lost all contact. It’s been quiet for over 48 hours and about 45 minutes ago we finally got a ping from her emergency beacon. We’re heading out now but given what’s transpired these last few days we’d understand if you didn’t want to join us on this” For someone nicknamed the man of steel, Clark never really ever felt like steel when staring into Bruce’s eyes, as strong as he was something inside the dark knight terrified him. “I’m in. Let’s move” Clark and Bruce both got to their feet in quiet understanding and moved to the garden to await a boom tube to open to take them to the watchtower. “We’ll find someone to look out for the kids” Clark joked. “Not Barry”