[Universe 1] Since he had mentioned space and dinosaurs, Jen couldn't help but find her interest rather piqued. And had she known about a singing asteroid, she would be pretty interested in that as well. Sadly it seemed like the TARDIS has other things in mind but Jennifer couldn't complain much, it was a time machine after all. And she was so lucky to bumbling around inside it. So as long as she didn't almost die, for probably the fourth time, she would be alright. And she had the wonderful Doctor so she was sure that no matter what pickle they got into, that they would somehow be good. "Does your TARDIS ever listen to you?" Jen joked as they looked around the museum. "It's not on "shuffle" is it?" She joked a little as the lights were turned on. The Doctor specified where they were. "Alien museum?" She repeated thoughtfully. As they checked out the exhibits and collections, the Doctor found one that interested him. Jen remained smiling, feeling comfortable again. They were back to just roaming and discovering. She was miles away from Germany, in her mind. "Cybermen?" She frowned, realizing how little she knew about the man beside it. It saddened her. How much did he know about her? She shook her head, not wanting to get upset again. "Yeah, super old." She smirked a little. She then heard footsteps marching down a long hall. Jennifer walked a bit closer and frowned. "Uh oh." Clearly they were trespassing. "Uh Doctor!" She called out and backed up closer to him. How was it that trouble was everywhere these days? Then the Doctor introduce them and she let out a snort and resisted an eye roll, certain it wouldn't be welcomed at the moment. "We can leave if you-" But she was cut off by them grabbing her and the Doctor and pulling them along. "Or not, whatever." Jen smiled nervously and glanced to the Doctor. She wasn't scared as much as she was amused by this whole turn of events. "I can't go anywhere with you can I?" She grinned teasing. "I'm not dressed in proper prisoner attire, you know. Ow!" She glared at the man pulling her along. Thankfully their journey ended as they were taken to a room where a guy, around her age maybe younger, was holding some device. Jen tugged her arm free and looked to the Doctor who seemed keen on educating the guy. "Ohh that's nice." She smiled, though she wasn't sure it was the best time for a concert when the guards were armed. Then a man spoke and everyone jolted to attention. Jen turned around and backed up a bit. Her guard was up now. He asked who the Doctor and she was and the Doctor once again gave the light introductions. "Hi." She gave a small wave to the man, a smile pushing its way to her lips. Much to her dismay he then whistled at her and she glanced off for a moment, not sure if she should be flattered or creeped out. Of course if she was flattered and played along, they might not get into any trouble but then again, Jennifer did not want to deal with weird guys flirting with her. Part of her wished she could pretend she was more than just a companion to the Doctor, then her problem would be solved. Right? "Oh goodness, you're flattering..." Jen said and smiled at the man, rubbing her neck sheepishly. "Uhm he's um..." Jen looked to the Doctor. "I don't know." She sighed, feeling terribly awkward. Her first instinct around guys she wasn't interested in was to just say she was into women but that usually just backfired. Her second instinct was just to say she and the Doctor were married, that would fix everything, right? But Jen ultimately decided to just play along for the sake of not making too many waves, what with guns everywhere and them being trapped underground in America. "Um thank you, that's so sweet of you to offer. I'll think about it." She let out a small girly giggle and held back any urge to puke. "So um yeah..." She flashed a smile. "This is going to sound weird but we came here because we were...summoned." Jen said, trying to improvise. She was a writer after all. "Are you by any chance...holding something super high tech and super secret?" She asked sweetly and put her hand on the man's arm. "My friend and I are alien aficionados," sort of. "and perhaps we can strike up a deal if necessary." She forced herself to say as she quickly removed her hand. The man introduced himself as Henry Van Statten and said that they did have something very special locked up and would be honored to show them. "Awesome!" Jen glanced to the Doctor, hoping this paid off for them. It was odd to think the TARDIS took them to such a place but hopefully everything was okay. Following a vague signal could be dangerous. They were led down to the Cage and were let inside the room where the specimen was kept. "What's this thing called anyway?" Jen asked as the door shut behind her, the Doctor and Van Statten. The dim lights flickered on to reveal a metal creature though it looked like an oversized kitchen appliance to her. "Doctor, do you know?" Jennifer asked. But after she finished her question, the machine suddenly moved and began to speak though it wasn't easy to understand the electronic voice. The Doctor instructed the door be opened but Van Statten quickly overrode the request by instructing those on the other side, to ignore the Doctor's plea. Jen was pushed behind the Doctor but before anything could happen, it aimed at them but then there was nothing. Nothing at all. Jen swallowed and peeked around the Doctor to see what all the panic was about. "Doctor? Is he another...enemy of yours? Like the Cybermen?" "This is amazing, you've got it to speak!" Henry Van Statten praised. - - - [Universe 2] At Summer's mention of him not changing, he waved with his free arm. "Nah, I don't think I ever have to. As long as you've got the right attitude." He said though he frowned, not liking how that sounded. "That didn't sound right." He made a sour look and thought a bit longer. "Nah, I just don't change, each one of my regenerations seems to have his own sense of style and no matter where I go, I make it my duty to remain myself. You however, did have to change, just in case. I don't want any of the locals in this era to bother you." The Doctor said, liking that long winded explanation much better. He then realized his term of regeneration might have sounded odd out of context so he quickly decided to sum it up as best he could so they could enjoy themselves and perhaps a play and something to eat. While the Doctor wasn't one for eating as he didn't often need to, he was developing the human habit after being around Summer. That wasn't a bad thing. "Oh when I regenerate, it's sort of when I die. The cells in my body end up changing. It's how Time Lords can cheat death in a way. And when I regenerate I change both physically and sometimes mentally. I used to love pears but I hate them now. But don't worry, my memories and knowledge stays safe and sound." The Doctor smiled to Summer, not wanting to worry or alarm her. They had other things to think about aside from his changing cycles and to his knowledge, he wouldn't have to regenerate for a while. He liked his current body and his current companion. For now, he didn't need to change. Seeing the universe as well as saving it, sounded great to him. And on top of that, they could see a real Shakespearean play! Then he decided to address what Summer had actually asked him about the play itself. "Whatever's playing really. It's not like there's a selection. Everyone in the town would gather, from the wealthy to the common folk. Entertainment brings people together in any time and place." He reflected fondly. "But we could meet him, I don't see why not. I've always wanted to but never found the proper chance." He frowned thoughtfully. He looked to Summer and shrugged, "But since you asked, I shall do my best!" He gave a bit of a bow to her as they walked along the muddy streets of the town. It was nightfall but everyone seemed so lively, ready for the play which would likely be starting soon. The Doctor could sense they should get to the theater soon. "You know this place isn't too different from yours." He told Summer. "People debate and gather over drinks. They tell stories and joke around." He said. As they neared the large structure, he moved his arm around Summer's waist to keep her close. The crowd was massive and he didn't feel like playing hide-and-go-seek with Summer in a place such as this. While there were similarities to the twenty-first century, he wanted to keep her safe and to do so, she couldn't wander off or get lost as she usually did. He wondered why his companions always tended to do that but it was very exhausting. "I'm such a fan of him." He said, beaming as they pushed their way into the globe theater. "Yet every play I've seen so far, he's never made an appearance." He said sadly. Of course now could be different. As the play started, it was soon realized that they were putting on the end to Love's Labor's Lost. The Doctor assumed it was broken down in parts so that the people didn't have to stand in dirt in the humid evening for long periods of time. He glanced to Summer, hoping she was enjoying herself because he certainly was. But if he knew Summer wasn't, he'd do his best to fix that. He liked to make people happy. It in turn made him happy, helped repel any sadness or regret echoing inside of him. Times like this, when he was with good people, sharing a grand event, he forgot that he was utterly alone, that his people were gone, that he had caused so much harm to so many in the universe. As the play came to its conclusion, he clapped along with everyone else. "Oh bravo good sir, bravo!" He praised. And much to the time traveler's delight, the talented writer revealed himself and the crowd went wild. They laughed and cheered and the Doctor waited with baited breath to hear what Shakespeare himself had to say to his fans. What came out of the man's mouth was, "Ah, shut your big fat mouths!" And the Doctor's face fell and he grumbled a bit to himself as the man continued. " I know what you're all saying. Love's Labour's Lost, that's a funny ending, isn't it? It just stops. Will the boys get the girls? Well, don't get your hose in a tangle, you'll find out soon. Yeah, yeah. All in good time. You don't rush a genius." He paused for a moment and then continued stiffly, "When? Tomorrow night. The premiere of my brand new play. A sequel, no less, and I call it Loves Labour's Won." He said and soon excused himself. "That can't be right." The Doctor was quick to say. They soon exited and found themselves on the street. "I mean there were rumors of a play being lost but..." Something didn't feel right at all. "Now we really must meet William." He declared. He headed off with Summer to track down the playwright. They were given an tip of where he stayed and wrote. So he and Summer went and found the inn, as well as the room and knocked. "Excuse me, William Shakespeare? We just saw the play, fantastic I must say but I'm a little curious as to what made you consider writing it." He started to say but he was cut off by the bard getting to his feet and looking at Summer. "Oh I'm sorry, this is Summer we're-" He then extended his psychic paper but the man frowned at it and cut the Doctor off. "It's blank." "It...is...yes." The Doctor cleared his throat. "You are quite a genius. I'm impressed." The Doctor couldn't help but smile. "Hey nonny nonny, sweet lady." He bowed to Summer, a grin appearing on his face.