[@Lord Wraith] Despite some finishing touches needing to be done on the building it was already quite magnificent. Architecture was a skill she did not have the knack for and seeing the advancements afforded with time was amazing. As the woman approached and introduced herself Ruth shook the offered hand. "[color=indianred][b]A pleasure to meet you.[/b][/color]" Unsurprisingly she was motioned to follow to an office which was just as impressive as everything else thus far. Taking a seat the woman placed her hands in her lap and listened, waiting patiently for her turn. Things sounded as if they were going well. Some assistance with the sudden fandom would be appreciated. Having avoided the media as long as she had a rather high level of public relations had been thrust upon her. Some relief from the onslaught would go a long way. Upon Winter speaking of joining the research team her eyes glinted at the opportunity. This surely would be the most advanced research setting than any other she'd had the chance to utilize. Words were not needed to tell that she was eager to get started. Housing though, Ruth had not been aware that such a thing was included. Or at the very lest it made things easier. She knew nothing of the area beyond what a map could tell her. Taking the time to think she leaned forward to examine the choices. "[color=indianred][b]If I were honest with myself I would choose a house. I haven't had much time to own one what with moving around every few years. But I'm not sure I want all the upkeep that goes with it or the doorstep for the media to camp out on.[/b][/color]" She looked up, back to Winter. [color=indianred][b]I believe a condo will be my best option.[/b][/color]"