[b]Cornelia[/b] Cornelia sighed at Meruin's response. Everyone else here was incompetent. She walked over to Marcus. She decided to join Deus's team just to annoy him, and if worst came to worst she could always kill him. All he knew about fighting was using his sword, he didn't have any powers back then. [color=firebrick]"Why Hello there, Mind if I join your team, I'm pretty good at fighting. So can I?"[/color] Cornelia was luaghing in the inside. [@Slendy] [b]Deus[/b] Deus sighed. [color=darkslateblue]"Well Marcus, no one would know of your ability if you wouldn't use it that much, assuming you do."[/color] Deus stopped talking as he saw Cornelia approach Marcus. He tightened his grip on Marcus shoulder. Sparks began to emanate from his body. He let go lf Marcus and began to walk backwards, hitting the wall.