There was so much moving and soft sounds going on around him. However, the Dream Guardian stayed asleep, only stirring for a brief moment to adjust to the lack of the others around him. Rue and Inui looked over at the guardian, quieting down as to not disturb him. Inui’s tense feelings had not subsided, so he carefully scooted off the bed to avoid disturbing Enasi. Rue had quickly and carefully followed in order to assess the situation. Meanwhile, with the sudden lack of warm bodies cuddled up to him, Enasi nuzzled into a pillow and laid on his side. It didn’t bother his wound, so he didn’t wake. To adapt to the sudden movement, Rasha cuddled up at Enasi’s stomach, only to be pulled up closer to the guardian’s chest. The cat purred in his sleep and nuzzled closer to the guardian. “I. . .I don’t know. But something isn’t right. I can’t tell what it is. . .You’re right, it could’ve been a bad dream.” Inui rubbed his arm and looked at the ground. Rue frowned at the thought and shook his head. “I don’t believe it was.” Shaking his head again, he looked around the room. “You wouldn’t be this upset if it was nothing.” Rue was going through the possibilities in his mind, trying to figure out what could be the cause. As he did, he held on to Inui’s hands, attempting to calm him enough to put his claws away. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Harper raced towards the place where the last portal from the Nightmare Realm had been caused. His ears were on high alert and he focused for any trace of negative energy. [i]’How can it be so difficult to find him! He literally sticks out like a sore thumb!’[/i] Harper huffed and continued his search. His next idea was to check where they first found Seishu. Even though it had been some time ago, maybe Night had decided to reminisce on the day he and Enasi found him on the brink of death. Unfortunately, his luck failed, but that didn’t stop him from running along and continuing his search. Eventually, when his search did come to an end, he would end up in TB’s field. If all else failed, the large turtle could have been some assistance. To his disappointment, the quick search to find Seishu and remain calm was slowly diminishing. The possibilities of Seishu getting hurt once again and in their realm lingered in not only his mind, but everyone searching. They had to find him and fast. There was also the horror of having Enasi panicking and trying to go looking for him. He was injured too, and Harper was not planning on letting him hurt himself more. He continued searching throughout the outer most parts of the realm. Fortunately, there was a lot of open space that didn't require him to be so meticulous in his search. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Starla had been assigned to try the forest. It was closer to the castle, where Finn was searching. With her finely tuned abilities Starla tried to tap into the flora around her and see if they had caught any sense of negative energy nearby. Most gave her nothing. Others gave her short paths and dead ends. “Augh! Night where are you!?” With all her stubbornness, Starla kept looking. They were going to find the guardian and they were going to drag his sorry butt back to his hospital bed. And then she would suggest Crios strapping him down so he couldn’t escape. That sounded like a good idea. Hopefully the others had more luck. . . ~*~*~*~*~ Each door was opened. Each room was checked. And there were a lot of them! Finn didn't stop though. The minions and dreams wondered what the young man was looking for, but he always whisked away before they could ask. He was in complete focus as he raced through the castle. When he finally did stop, it was because Cho beamed at the sight of him. "Oh! You've come to visit? How thought- What's wrong dear?" Cho's smile became one of curiosity as Finn dragged him out the kitchen and whispered. "You haven't seen Seishu have you? He's gone missing." Finn quickly silenced a gasp and continued. "There's a search party out, but so far nothing." Having similar feelings as Harper and Crios he gave Cho a serious look. "Also, Lord Enasi and the trio don't know. If Lord Enasi finds out, he'll be panicking. Could you keep an eye on him please? He's asleep now. I have to go finish my search." With a small salute from the chef, Finn was rushing off again. "Keep our dear guardian happy~ That's what I'll do~ Keep our dear guardian happy~ Because he deserves it too~" He hummed a little made up tune and walked into the kitchen. If he was going to keep Lord Enasi from being upset, he needed a small snack for a distraction. He couldn't possibly lie to his dear guardian, but he could easily distract him. It wasn’t all that hard too. He thought of possible conversations like him and Crios, or a new recipe to try- the possibilities were endless and if need be, he'd bring them all up. Cho did debate on whether or not to tell the trio about it. He didn't want them panicking, but the extra sets of eyes searching would have been a good idea. ~*~*~*~*~ Crios had taken a short break to catch his breath. Racing through the inner parts of the realm was more tiring than he made it out to be. He may have been in shape, but he was still a doctor- his stamina was a bit limited. Taking a deep breath and an irritated sigh, he went towards the last place he knew Seishu would be in. The town. Not only was it too full of dreams and minions, but it was draw immediate attention and people would panic. Seishu may have been stubborn, but he wasn't stupid enough to do something like that. And by the looks of the tranquility of the town, Seishu was no where in sight. But, Crios walked through- for the sake of checking thoroughly.