[color=6ecff6]"Al...Al...Alve...Alvy!"[/color] Jackson tried the name out, stumbling over the pronunciation and finally giving up, looking slightly frustrated at it, but then pleased at himself for coming up with an alternative. Amy smiled, and took his head as they left the ride, retrieving Galahad from where she had tied him. [color=6ecff6]"You ain't scary"[/color] he looked up at Alver with wide, trusting eyes, and smiled brightly, a wide, childlike grin. Amy smiled, looking about for something else to do, and when Reyna asked about food, she debated the wisdom of giving a two year old Cotton Candy. A small amount couldn't hurt, but then, she couldn't have the cotton candy herself. Not without her insulin. And Jackson had yet to be tested for diabetes. So, perhaps the first time she gave him large amounts of sugar, shouldn't be in a carnival. She looked down at Jackson, and once more thought a small amount couldn't hurt. [color=f6989d]"Food sounds good. If I could find something suitable for Jackson, that would be great"[/color]