Name: Septimus Cornelius Drusus Gender: Male Age: 28 Rank: A disciple amongst the assassins, Septimus does what he can to assist them wherever possible. Appearance: [hider=pic] [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] [/hider] Septimus looks somewhat you would expect an average Roman to look like, having many of the qualities that distinguish him as a true Roman. As of late the signs of aging have appeared upon him, his hair greying slightly amongst other things. His face generally remains firm and hides his true emotions, whatever they may be. He generally wears simple clothing as opposed to the lavish togas that most senators adorn themselves with, but he of course makes an exception when participating in a senate meeting. When travelling he still wears his roman lorica (body armour, including his hauberk of mail and a cuirass of metal plates) though this is now somewhat aged and discoloured – but still just as effective. When travelling light he will wear only the mail shirt under whatever tunic or other garment he has, also donning a hooded cloak to remain hidden in the shadows. Equipment: Septimus carries little with him the majority of the time, seeing as he lives and spends the majority of his time in the most prosperous city in the world. He, like most other senators carries a small dagger on his person – knowing all too well the threats which can emerge at any moment. When travelling, it is quite the opposite case, and he will carry several weapons with him, along with all of the basic provisions and gear that he may need for any given situation. His weapon of choice is a simple roman gladius. He also frequently carries two plumbatae – or ‘lead-weighted darts’ to hurl at any enemies. Personality: Septimus considers himself a true Roman through and through, in that he loves Rome itself and shares most of the traditional Roman values. He believes that loyalty to Rome is key, and that any Roman who would betray his motherland or allies deserves nothing other than a swift death. That being said he is no longer sure who else is loyal to Rome, the current Emperor Augustus forging the path ahead as an Empire, rather than a Republic. He is firm and somewhat stoic at times, however he simply guards his behaviour, knowing all too well saying the right or wrong thing is the difference between life and death. Recently he has found that he also has somewhat of a temper, the numerous problems that are building getting to him somewhat. Bio: Septimus was born into a very wealthy family, his father’s side being one of the wealthiest patrician families in Rome. His maternal grandmother however was from a wealth plebeian family – this duality provides him with many connections and resources that he otherwise would not have access to, but also excludes him in the eyes of some of the more pompous and elitist patrician families. Throughout his childhood he received both military and civil training, studying at many of the great academies and libraries in Rome. As a young man he quickly became somewhat noticed and held several positions relating to the upkeep of Rome and the surrounding areas. At 23 he took part in a military campaign crushing Iberian rebels from Hispania, and again he was noticed and put in command of a small legion. He dealt with the defence of the Republic and followed his orders, crushing more than a few rebellions, however during one campaign his troops were decimated in an ambush by Gallic rebels, and spent some months as their captive before another legion wiped them out and rescued the surviving troops, including him. That seemed to mark the end of his military career, and from there he has taken a very active role in the politics of Rome, even securing a position as senator. At 26 he became involved with the assassin’s order through some of their contacts in the senate, their goals and ambitions seeming to line up together on almost every occasion. Septimus has watched as Rome slowly changed from a Republic to an Empire, as Octavian (before he became Augustus) and his templar allies have manoeuvred things so that the senate have now relinquished control of the majority of the provinces to him, practically reducing their political and military to nothing. They even bestowed the new name Augustus upon him, somehow managing to keep the illusion that the senate still had control, whilst creating Rome’s true first emperor. Skills/Strengths: Septimus is an experienced veteran when it comes to battle, having once served in Rome’s legions. He can fight the majority of enemies and win – that is if it’s a fair fight. He has also received training from the assassin’s order, and posses many of the skills they teach. He is familiar with the general political landscape of Rome and its allies. He carries a moderate amount of political power, however lacks some key connections due to his clashes with the Templars – and their general success. Weaknesses: Septimus is beginning to be identified by the Templars as one of their enemies, a course of action that if continues may lead to his demise. He has begun to suffer from small bouts of anger, occasionally accompanied by severe headaches. He sometimes wonders if he is cursed, seeming to have a fair amount of poor luck. Women and drink are also a known vice for him, but luckily he has learnt to stay away from such activities.