[h2]Map Room[/h2] Chris could face palm himself. "[color=darkcyan][b]Oh. That makes a lot more sense. Now I feel stupid. I'm not much of a businessman though I just talk that way.[/b][/color]" He didn't think about it often but he did tend to talk differently than most people he knew. He was about to explain something when the mention of San Francisco sank in. He looked at Moss for a moment but there wasn't any hint that she was playing around. "[color=darkcyan][b]I'm from Texas. And I've never been to San Francisco. Or California for that matter.[/b][/color]" Curious now he tried to put two and two together. "[color=darkcyan][b]Is that where you were last you remember? Because the last place I was was at my home back in Dallas. Not exactly down the street.[/b][/color]"